home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- {*******************************************************}
- { }
- { Delphi VCL Extensions (RX) }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) 2001,2002 SGB Software }
- { Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 Fedor Koshevnikov, }
- { Igor Pavluk and Serge Korolev }
- { }
- {*******************************************************}
- unit RXDBCtrl;
- {$I RX.INC}
- {$R-}
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Registry, Variants, Messages, Classes, Controls, Forms, Grids, Graphics, Buttons, Menus,
- StdCtrls, Mask, IniFiles, ToolEdit, DB, DBGrids,
- {$IFNDEF RX_D3} DBTables, {$ENDIF}
- Placemnt, DateUtil, DBCtrls, RxCtrls, CurrEdit;
- { TRxDBGrid }
- const
- DefRxGridOptions = [dgEditing, dgTitles, dgIndicator, dgColumnResize,
- dgColLines, dgRowLines, dgConfirmDelete, dgCancelOnExit];
- {$IFDEF RX_V110}
- {$NODEFINE DefRxGridOptions}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- type
- TTitleClickEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol: Longint;
- Field: TField) of object;
- TCheckTitleBtnEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol: Longint;
- Field: TField; var Enabled: Boolean) of object;
- TGetCellParamsEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Field: TField;
- AFont: TFont; var Background: TColor; Highlight: Boolean) of object;
- TSortMarker = (smNone, smDown, smUp);
- TGetBtnParamsEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Field: TField;
- AFont: TFont; var Background: TColor; var SortMarker: TSortMarker;
- IsDown: Boolean) of object;
- TGetCellPropsEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Field: TField;
- AFont: TFont; var Background: TColor) of object; { obsolete }
- TDBEditShowEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Field: TField;
- var AllowEdit: Boolean) of object;
- TBookmarkList = class
- private
- FList: THugeList;
- FGrid: TCustomDBGrid;
- FCache: TBookmark;
- FCacheIndex: Longint;
- FCacheFind: Boolean;
- FLinkActive: Boolean;
- function GetCount: Longint;
- function GetCurrentRowSelected: Boolean;
- function GetItem(Index: Longint): TBookmark;
- procedure SetCurrentRowSelected(Value: Boolean);
- procedure ListChanged;
- protected
- function CurrentRow: TBookmark;
- function Compare(const Item1, Item2: TBookmark): Longint;
- procedure LinkActive(Value: Boolean);
- public
- constructor Create(AGrid: TCustomDBGrid);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Clear; { free all bookmarks }
- procedure Delete; { delete all selected rows from dataset }
- function Find(const Item: TBookmark; var Index: Longint): Boolean;
- function IndexOf(const Item: TBookmark): Longint;
- function Refresh: Boolean; { drop orphaned bookmarks; True = orphans found }
- property Count: Longint read GetCount;
- property CurrentRowSelected: Boolean read GetCurrentRowSelected
- write SetCurrentRowSelected;
- property Items[Index: Longint]: TBookmark read GetItem; default;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- TRxDBGrid = class(TDBGrid)
- private
- FShowGlyphs: Boolean;
- FDefaultDrawing: Boolean;
- FMultiSelect: Boolean;
- FSelecting: Boolean;
- FClearSelection: Boolean;
- FTitleButtons: Boolean;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- FPressedCol: TColumn;
- {$ELSE}
- FPressedCol: Longint;
- {$ENDIF}
- FPressed: Boolean;
- FTracking: Boolean;
- FSwapButtons: Boolean;
- FIniLink: TIniLink;
- FDisableCount: Integer;
- FFixedCols: Integer;
- FMsIndicators: TImageList;
- FOnCheckButton: TCheckTitleBtnEvent;
- FOnGetCellProps: TGetCellPropsEvent;
- FOnGetCellParams: TGetCellParamsEvent;
- FOnGetBtnParams: TGetBtnParamsEvent;
- FOnEditChange: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent;
- FOnTitleBtnClick: TTitleClickEvent;
- FOnShowEditor: TDbEditShowEvent;
- FOnTopLeftChanged: TNotifyEvent;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- FSelectionAnchor: TBookmarkStr;
- {$ELSE}
- FSelectionAnchor: TBookmark;
- FBookmarks: TBookmarkList;
- FOnColumnMoved: TMovedEvent;
- {$ENDIF}
- function GetImageIndex(Field: TField): Integer;
- procedure SetShowGlyphs(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetRowsHeight(Value: Integer);
- function GetRowsHeight: Integer;
- function GetStorage: TFormPlacement;
- procedure SetStorage(Value: TFormPlacement);
- procedure IniSave(Sender: TObject);
- procedure IniLoad(Sender: TObject);
- procedure SetMultiSelect(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetTitleButtons(Value: Boolean);
- procedure StopTracking;
- procedure TrackButton(X, Y: Integer);
- function ActiveRowSelected: Boolean;
- function GetSelCount: Longint;
- procedure InternalSaveLayout(IniFile: TObject; const Section: string);
- procedure InternalRestoreLayout(IniFile: TObject; const Section: string);
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure SaveColumnsLayout(IniFile: TObject; const Section: string);
- procedure RestoreColumnsLayout(IniFile: TObject; const Section: string);
- function GetOptions: TDBGridOptions;
- procedure SetOptions(Value: TDBGridOptions);
- function GetMasterColumn(ACol, ARow: Longint): TColumn;
- {$ELSE}
- function GetFixedColor: TColor;
- procedure SetFixedColor(Value: TColor);
- function GetIndicatorOffset: Byte;
- {$ENDIF}
- function GetTitleOffset: Byte;
- procedure SetFixedCols(Value: Integer);
- function GetFixedCols: Integer;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- function CalcLeftColumn: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure WMChar(var Msg: TWMChar); message WM_CHAR;
- procedure WMCancelMode(var Message: TMessage); message WM_CANCELMODE;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure WMRButtonUp(var Message: TWMMouse); message WM_RBUTTONUP;
- {$ENDIF}
- protected
- function AcquireFocus: Boolean;
- function CanEditShow: Boolean; override;
- function CreateEditor: TInplaceEdit; override;
- procedure DoTitleClick(ACol: Longint; AField: TField); dynamic;
- procedure CheckTitleButton(ACol, ARow: Longint; var Enabled: Boolean); dynamic;
- procedure DrawCell(ACol, ARow: Longint; ARect: TRect; AState: TGridDrawState); override;
- procedure DrawDataCell(const Rect: TRect; Field: TField;
- State: TGridDrawState); override; { obsolete from Delphi 2.0 }
- procedure EditChanged(Sender: TObject); dynamic;
- procedure GetCellProps(Field: TField; AFont: TFont; var Background: TColor;
- Highlight: Boolean); dynamic;
- function HighlightCell(DataCol, DataRow: Integer; const Value: string;
- AState: TGridDrawState): Boolean; override;
- procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
- procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override;
- procedure SetColumnAttributes; override;
- procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
- X, Y: Integer); override;
- procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
- procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
- X, Y: Integer); override;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- function DoMouseWheelDown(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override;
- function DoMouseWheelUp(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure Scroll(Distance: Integer); override;
- procedure LayoutChanged; override;
- procedure TopLeftChanged; override;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure DrawColumnCell(const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer;
- Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState); override;
- procedure ColWidthsChanged; override;
- {$ELSE}
- procedure ColumnMoved(FromIndex, ToIndex: Longint); override;
- procedure LinkActive(Value: Boolean); override;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure Paint; override;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure DefaultDataCellDraw(const Rect: TRect; Field: TField;
- State: TGridDrawState);
- procedure DisableScroll;
- procedure EnableScroll;
- function ScrollDisabled: Boolean;
- procedure MouseToCell(X, Y: Integer; var ACol, ARow: Longint);
- procedure SaveLayout(IniFile: TIniFile);
- procedure RestoreLayout(IniFile: TIniFile);
- procedure SelectAll;
- procedure UnselectAll;
- procedure ToggleRowSelection;
- procedure GotoSelection(Index: Longint);
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure SaveLayoutReg(IniFile: TRegIniFile);
- procedure RestoreLayoutReg(IniFile: TRegIniFile);
- property SelectedRows;
- {$ELSE}
- property SelectedRows: TBookmarkList read FBookmarks;
- {$ENDIF WIN32}
- property SelCount: Longint read GetSelCount;
- property Canvas;
- property Col;
- property InplaceEditor;
- property LeftCol;
- property Row;
- property VisibleRowCount;
- property VisibleColCount;
- property IndicatorOffset {$IFNDEF WIN32}: Byte read GetIndicatorOffset {$ENDIF};
- property TitleOffset: Byte read GetTitleOffset;
- published
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- property Options: TDBGridOptions read GetOptions write SetOptions
- default DefRxGridOptions;
- {$ELSE}
- property FixedColor: TColor read GetFixedColor write SetFixedColor
- default clBtnFace; { fix Delphi 1.0 bug }
- property Options default DefRxGridOptions;
- {$ENDIF}
- property FixedCols: Integer read GetFixedCols write SetFixedCols default 0;
- property ClearSelection: Boolean read FClearSelection write FClearSelection
- default True;
- property DefaultDrawing: Boolean read FDefaultDrawing write FDefaultDrawing
- default True;
- property IniStorage: TFormPlacement read GetStorage write SetStorage;
- property MultiSelect: Boolean read FMultiSelect write SetMultiSelect
- default False;
- property ShowGlyphs: Boolean read FShowGlyphs write SetShowGlyphs
- default True;
- property TitleButtons: Boolean read FTitleButtons write SetTitleButtons
- default False;
- property RowsHeight: Integer read GetRowsHeight write SetRowsHeight
- stored False; { obsolete, for backward compatibility only }
- property OnCheckButton: TCheckTitleBtnEvent read FOnCheckButton write FOnCheckButton;
- property OnGetCellProps: TGetCellPropsEvent read FOnGetCellProps
- write FOnGetCellProps; { obsolete }
- property OnGetCellParams: TGetCellParamsEvent read FOnGetCellParams write FOnGetCellParams;
- property OnGetBtnParams: TGetBtnParamsEvent read FOnGetBtnParams write FOnGetBtnParams;
- property OnEditChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnEditChange write FOnEditChange;
- property OnShowEditor: TDBEditShowEvent read FOnShowEditor write FOnShowEditor;
- property OnTitleBtnClick: TTitleClickEvent read FOnTitleBtnClick write FOnTitleBtnClick;
- property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent read FOnKeyPress write FOnKeyPress;
- property OnTopLeftChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnTopLeftChanged write FOnTopLeftChanged;
- property OnColumnMoved: TMovedEvent read FOnColumnMoved write FOnColumnMoved;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF RX_D5}
- property OnContextPopup;
- {$ENDIF}
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- property OnMouseWheelDown;
- property OnMouseWheelUp;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- { TRxDBComboEdit }
- TRxDBComboEdit = class(TCustomComboEdit)
- private
- FDataLink: TFieldDataLink;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- FCanvas: TControlCanvas;
- {$ENDIF}
- FFocused: Boolean;
- procedure DataChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure EditingChange(Sender: TObject);
- function GetDataField: string;
- function GetDataSource: TDataSource;
- function GetField: TField;
- procedure SetDataField(const Value: string);
- procedure SetDataSource(Value: TDataSource);
- procedure SetFocused(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetReadOnly(Value: Boolean);
- procedure UpdateData(Sender: TObject);
- procedure WMCut(var Message: TMessage); message WM_CUT;
- procedure WMPaste(var Message: TMessage); message WM_PASTE;
- procedure CMEnter(var Message: TCMEnter); message CM_ENTER;
- procedure CMExit(var Message: TCMExit); message CM_EXIT;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure CMGetDataLink(var Message: TMessage); message CM_GETDATALINK;
- procedure WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); message WM_PAINT;
- {$ENDIF}
- protected
- procedure Change; override;
- function EditCanModify: Boolean; override;
- function GetReadOnly: Boolean; override;
- procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
- procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override;
- procedure Loaded; override;
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation); override;
- procedure Reset; override;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- function ExecuteAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean; override;
- function UpdateAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean; override;
- function UseRightToLeftAlignment: Boolean; override;
- {$ENDIF}
- property Button;
- property Field: TField read GetField;
- published
- property AutoSelect;
- property BorderStyle;
- property ButtonHint;
- property CharCase;
- property ClickKey;
- property Color;
- property Ctl3D;
- property DataField: string read GetDataField write SetDataField;
- property DataSource: TDataSource read GetDataSource write SetDataSource;
- property DirectInput;
- property DragCursor;
- property DragMode;
- property Enabled;
- property Font;
- property GlyphKind;
- { Ensure GlyphKind is published before Glyph and ButtonWidth }
- property Glyph;
- property ButtonWidth;
- property HideSelection;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- property Anchors;
- property BiDiMode;
- property Constraints;
- property DragKind;
- property ParentBiDiMode;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- property ImeMode;
- property ImeName;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- property MaxLength;
- property NumGlyphs;
- property ParentColor;
- property ParentCtl3D;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property PopupMenu;
- property ReadOnly: Boolean read GetReadOnly write SetReadOnly default False;
- property ShowHint;
- property TabOrder;
- property TabStop;
- property Visible;
- property OnButtonClick;
- property OnChange;
- property OnClick;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnEnter;
- property OnExit;
- property OnKeyDown;
- property OnKeyPress;
- property OnKeyUp;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- property OnStartDrag;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF RX_D5}
- property OnContextPopup;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- property OnEndDock;
- property OnStartDock;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- { TDBDateEdit }
- TDBDateEdit = class(TCustomDateEdit)
- private
- FDataLink: TFieldDataLink;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- FCanvas: TControlCanvas;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure DataChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure EditingChange(Sender: TObject);
- function GetDataField: string;
- function GetDataSource: TDataSource;
- function GetField: TField;
- procedure SetDataField(const Value: string);
- procedure SetDataSource(Value: TDataSource);
- procedure SetReadOnly(Value: Boolean);
- procedure UpdateData(Sender: TObject);
- procedure AfterPopup(Sender: TObject; var Date: TDateTime; var Action: Boolean);
- procedure WMCut(var Message: TMessage); message WM_CUT;
- procedure WMPaste(var Message: TMessage); message WM_PASTE;
- procedure CMEnter(var Message: TCMEnter); message CM_ENTER;
- procedure CMExit(var Message: TCMExit); message CM_EXIT;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure CMGetDataLink(var Message: TMessage); message CM_GETDATALINK;
- procedure WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); message WM_PAINT;
- {$ENDIF}
- protected
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure AcceptValue(const Value: Variant); override;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure ApplyDate(Value: TDateTime); override;
- function GetReadOnly: Boolean; override;
- procedure Change; override;
- function EditCanModify: Boolean; override;
- procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
- procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override;
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation); override;
- procedure Reset; override;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure UpdateMask; override;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- function ExecuteAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean; override;
- function UpdateAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean; override;
- function UseRightToLeftAlignment: Boolean; override;
- {$ENDIF}
- property Field: TField read GetField;
- published
- property CalendarHints;
- property DataField: string read GetDataField write SetDataField;
- property DataSource: TDataSource read GetDataSource write SetDataSource;
- property ReadOnly: Boolean read GetReadOnly write SetReadOnly default False;
- property AutoSelect;
- property BlanksChar;
- property BorderStyle;
- property ButtonHint;
- property CheckOnExit;
- property ClickKey;
- property Color;
- property Ctl3D;
- property DefaultToday;
- property DialogTitle;
- property DirectInput;
- property DragCursor;
- property DragMode;
- property Enabled;
- property Font;
- property GlyphKind;
- { Ensure GlyphKind is declared before Glyph and ButtonWidth }
- property Glyph;
- property ButtonWidth;
- property HideSelection;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- property Anchors;
- property BiDiMode;
- property Constraints;
- property DragKind;
- property ParentBiDiMode;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- property ImeMode;
- property ImeName;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- property MaxLength;
- property NumGlyphs;
- property ParentColor;
- property ParentCtl3D;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property PopupAlign;
- property PopupColor;
- property PopupMenu;
- property ShowHint;
- property CalendarStyle;
- property TabOrder;
- property TabStop;
- property StartOfWeek;
- property Weekends;
- property WeekendColor;
- property YearDigits;
- property Visible;
- property OnButtonClick;
- property OnChange;
- property OnClick;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnEnter;
- property OnExit;
- property OnKeyDown;
- property OnKeyPress;
- property OnKeyUp;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- property OnStartDrag;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF RX_D5}
- property OnContextPopup;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- property OnEndDock;
- property OnStartDock;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- { TRxDBCalcEdit }
- TRxDBCalcEdit = class(TRxCustomCalcEdit)
- private
- FDataLink: TFieldDataLink;
- FDefaultParams: Boolean;
- procedure DataChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure EditingChange(Sender: TObject);
- function GetDataField: string;
- function GetDataSource: TDataSource;
- function GetField: TField;
- procedure SetDataField(const Value: string);
- procedure SetDataSource(Value: TDataSource);
- procedure SetDefaultParams(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetReadOnly(Value: Boolean);
- procedure UpdateFieldData(Sender: TObject);
- procedure WMCut(var Message: TMessage); message WM_CUT;
- procedure WMPaste(var Message: TMessage); message WM_PASTE;
- procedure CMEnter(var Message: TCMEnter); message CM_ENTER;
- procedure CMExit(var Message: TCMExit); message CM_EXIT;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure CMGetDataLink(var Message: TMessage); message CM_GETDATALINK;
- {$ENDIF}
- protected
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure AcceptValue(const Value: Variant); override;
- function GetDisplayText: string; override;
- {$ENDIF}
- function GetReadOnly: Boolean; override;
- procedure Change; override;
- function EditCanModify: Boolean; override;
- function IsValidChar(Key: Char): Boolean; override;
- procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
- procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override;
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation); override;
- procedure Reset; override;
- procedure UpdatePopup; override;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure UpdateFieldParams;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- function ExecuteAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean; override;
- function UpdateAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean; override;
- function UseRightToLeftAlignment: Boolean; override;
- {$ENDIF}
- property Field: TField read GetField;
- property Value;
- published
- property DataField: string read GetDataField write SetDataField;
- property DataSource: TDataSource read GetDataSource write SetDataSource;
- property DefaultParams: Boolean read FDefaultParams write SetDefaultParams default False;
- property ReadOnly: Boolean read GetReadOnly write SetReadOnly default False;
- property Alignment;
- property AutoSelect;
- property BeepOnError;
- property BorderStyle;
- property ButtonHint;
- property CheckOnExit;
- property ClickKey;
- property Color;
- property Ctl3D;
- property DecimalPlaces;
- property DirectInput;
- property DisplayFormat;
- property DragCursor;
- property DragMode;
- property Enabled;
- property Font;
- property FormatOnEditing;
- property GlyphKind;
- { Ensure GlyphKind is declared before Glyph and ButtonWidth }
- property Glyph;
- property ButtonWidth;
- property HideSelection;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- property Anchors;
- property BiDiMode;
- property Constraints;
- property DragKind;
- property ParentBiDiMode;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- property ImeMode;
- property ImeName;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- property MaxLength;
- property MaxValue;
- property MinValue;
- property NumGlyphs;
- property ParentColor;
- property ParentCtl3D;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property PopupAlign;
- property PopupMenu;
- property ShowHint;
- property TabOrder;
- property TabStop;
- property Visible;
- property ZeroEmpty;
- property OnButtonClick;
- property OnChange;
- property OnClick;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnEnter;
- property OnExit;
- property OnKeyDown;
- property OnKeyPress;
- property OnKeyUp;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- property OnStartDrag;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF RX_D5}
- property OnContextPopup;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- property OnEndDock;
- property OnStartDock;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- { TDBStatusLabel }
- TGetStringEvent = function(Sender: TObject): string of object;
- TDataValueEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; DataSet: TDataSet;
- var Value: Longint) of object;
- TDBLabelStyle = (lsState, lsRecordNo, lsRecordSize);
- TGlyphAlign = glGlyphLeft..glGlyphRight;
- TDBStatusKind = dsInactive..dsCalcFields;
- TDBLabelOptions = (doCaption, doGlyph, doBoth);
- TDBStatusLabel = class(TRxCustomLabel)
- private
- FDataLink: TDataLink;
- FDataSetName: String;
- FStyle: TDBLabelStyle;
- FEditColor: TColor;
- FCalcCount: Boolean;
- FCaptions: TStrings;
- FGlyph: TBitmap;
- FCell: TBitmap;
- FGlyphAlign: TGlyphAlign;
- FRecordCount: Longint;
- FRecordNo: Longint;
- FShowOptions: TDBLabelOptions;
- FOnGetDataName: TGetStringEvent;
- FOnGetRecNo: TDataValueEvent;
- FOnGetRecordCount: TDataValueEvent;
- function GetStatusKind(State: TDataSetState): TDBStatusKind;
- procedure CaptionsChanged(Sender: TObject);
- function GetDataSetName: string;
- procedure SetDataSetName(Value: string);
- function GetDataSource: TDataSource;
- procedure SetDataSource(Value: TDataSource);
- function GetDatasetState: TDataSetState;
- procedure SetEditColor(Value: TColor);
- procedure SetStyle(Value: TDBLabelStyle);
- procedure SetShowOptions(Value: TDBLabelOptions);
- procedure SetGlyphAlign(Value: TGlyphAlign);
- procedure SetCaptions(Value: TStrings);
- procedure SetCalcCount(Value: Boolean);
- protected
- procedure Loaded; override;
- function GetDefaultFontColor: TColor; override;
- function GetLabelCaption: string; override;
- function GetCaption(State: TDataSetState): string; virtual;
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation); override;
- procedure Paint; override;
- procedure SetName(const Value: TComponentName); override;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure UpdateData; virtual;
- procedure UpdateStatus; virtual;
- property Caption;
- property DatasetState: TDataSetState read GetDatasetState;
- published
- property DatasetName: string read GetDataSetName write SetDataSetName;
- property DataSource: TDataSource read GetDataSource write SetDataSource;
- property EditColor: TColor read FEditColor write SetEditColor default clRed;
- property Captions: TStrings read FCaptions write SetCaptions;
- property Style: TDBLabelStyle read FStyle write SetStyle default lsState;
- property CalcRecCount: Boolean read FCalcCount write SetCalcCount default False;
- property ShowOptions: TDBLabelOptions read FShowOptions write SetShowOptions
- default doCaption;
- property GlyphAlign: TGlyphAlign read FGlyphAlign write SetGlyphAlign
- default glGlyphLeft;
- property Layout default tlCenter;
- property ShadowSize default 0;
- property Align;
- property Alignment;
- property AutoSize;
- property Color;
- property DragCursor;
- property DragMode;
- property Font;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- property Anchors;
- property BiDiMode;
- property Constraints;
- property DragKind;
- property ParentBiDiMode;
- {$ENDIF}
- property ParentColor;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property PopupMenu;
- property ShadowColor;
- property ShadowPos;
- property ShowHint;
- property Transparent;
- property Visible;
- property WordWrap;
- property OnGetDataName: TGetStringEvent read FOnGetDataName write FOnGetDataName;
- property OnGetRecordCount: TDataValueEvent read FOnGetRecordCount
- write FOnGetRecordCount;
- property OnGetRecNo: TDataValueEvent read FOnGetRecNo write FOnGetRecNo;
- property OnClick;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnMouseEnter;
- property OnMouseLeave;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- property OnStartDrag;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF RX_D5}
- property OnContextPopup;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- property OnEndDock;
- property OnStartDock;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- implementation
- uses SysUtils, rxStrUtils, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, DbConsts, AppUtils, VCLUtils,
- DbUtils, {$IFNDEF RX_D3} BdeUtils, {$ENDIF} PickDate, RxCalc, MaxMin,
- RxDConst;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- {$R *.R32}
- {$ELSE}
- {$R *.R16}
- {$ENDIF}
- type
- TGridPicture = (gpBlob, gpMemo, gpPicture, gpOle, gpObject, gpData,
- gpNotEmpty, gpMarkDown, gpMarkUp);
- const
- GridBmpNames: array[TGridPicture] of PChar =
- GridBitmaps: array[TGridPicture] of TBitmap =
- (nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil);
- bmMultiDot = 'DBG_MSDOT';
- bmMultiArrow = 'DBG_MSARROW';
- function GetGridBitmap(BmpType: TGridPicture): TBitmap;
- begin
- if GridBitmaps[BmpType] = nil then begin
- GridBitmaps[BmpType] := TBitmap.Create;
- GridBitmaps[BmpType].Handle := LoadBitmap(HInstance, GridBmpNames[BmpType]);
- end;
- Result := GridBitmaps[BmpType];
- end;
- procedure DestroyLocals; far;
- var
- I: TGridPicture;
- begin
- for I := Low(TGridPicture) to High(TGridPicture) do GridBitmaps[I].Free;
- end;
- procedure GridInvalidateRow(Grid: TRxDBGrid; Row: Longint);
- var
- I: Longint;
- begin
- for I := 0 to Grid.ColCount - 1 do Grid.InvalidateCell(I, Row);
- end;
- { TBookmarkList }
- constructor TBookmarkList.Create(AGrid: TCustomDBGrid);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FList := THugeList.Create;
- FGrid := AGrid;
- end;
- destructor TBookmarkList.Destroy;
- begin
- Clear;
- FList.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TBookmarkList.Clear;
- var
- I: Longint;
- begin
- if FList.Count = 0 then Exit;
- for I := FList.Count - 1 downto 0 do StrDispose(FList[I]);
- FList.Clear;
- ListChanged;
- FGrid.Invalidate;
- end;
- function TBookmarkList.Compare(const Item1, Item2: TBookmark): Longint;
- begin
- Result := BookmarksCompare(TRxDBGrid(FGrid).Datalink.Dataset,
- Item1, Item2);
- end;
- function TBookmarkList.CurrentRow: TBookmark;
- begin
- if not FLinkActive then _DBError(sDataSetClosed);
- Result := TRxDBGrid(FGrid).Datalink.Dataset.GetBookmark;
- end;
- function TBookmarkList.GetCurrentRowSelected: Boolean;
- var
- Index: Longint;
- Row: TBookmark;
- begin
- Row := CurrentRow;
- try
- Result := Find(Row, Index);
- finally
- StrDispose(Row);
- end;
- end;
- function TBookmarkList.Find(const Item: TBookmark; var Index: Longint): Boolean;
- var
- L, H, I, C: Longint;
- P: PChar;
- begin
- if (Compare(Item, FCache) = 0) and (FCacheIndex >= 0) then begin
- Index := FCacheIndex;
- Result := FCacheFind;
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := False;
- L := 0;
- H := FList.Count - 1;
- while L <= H do begin
- I := (L + H) shr 1;
- C := Compare(TBookmark(FList[I]), Item);
- if C < 0 then L := I + 1
- else begin
- H := I - 1;
- if C = 0 then begin
- Result := True;
- L := I;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Index := L;
- StrDispose(FCache);
- FCache := nil;
- P := PChar(Item);
- if P <> nil then begin
- Dec(P, 2);
- FCache := StrAlloc(Word(Pointer(P)^));
- Move(Item^, FCache^, Word(Pointer(P)^));
- end;
- FCacheIndex := Index;
- FCacheFind := Result;
- end;
- function TBookmarkList.GetCount: Longint;
- begin
- Result := FList.Count;
- end;
- function TBookmarkList.GetItem(Index: Longint): TBookmark;
- begin
- Result := TBookmark(FList[Index]);
- end;
- function TBookmarkList.IndexOf(const Item: TBookmark): Longint;
- begin
- if not Find(Item, Result) then Result := -1;
- end;
- procedure TBookmarkList.LinkActive(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- Clear;
- FLinkActive := Value;
- end;
- procedure TBookmarkList.Delete;
- var
- I: Longint;
- begin
- with TRxDBGrid(FGrid).Datalink.Dataset do begin
- DisableControls;
- try
- for I := FList.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin
- if FList[I] <> nil then begin
- GotoBookmark(TBookmark(FList[I]));
- Delete;
- StrDispose(FList[I]);
- end;
- FList.Delete(I);
- end;
- ListChanged;
- finally
- EnableControls;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TBookmarkList.Refresh: Boolean;
- var
- I: Longint;
- begin
- Result := False;
- with TRxDBGrid(FGrid).DataLink.Dataset do
- try
- CheckBrowseMode;
- for I := FList.Count - 1 downto 0 do
- if DbiSetToBookmark(Handle, Pointer(FList[I])) <> 0 then begin
- Result := True;
- StrDispose(FList[I]);
- FList.Delete(I);
- end;
- ListChanged;
- finally
- UpdateCursorPos;
- if Result then FGrid.Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBookmarkList.SetCurrentRowSelected(Value: Boolean);
- var
- Index: Longint;
- Current: TBookmark;
- begin
- Current := CurrentRow;
- Index := 0;
- if (Current = nil) or (Find(Current, Index) = Value) then begin
- if Current <> nil then StrDispose(Current);
- Exit;
- end;
- if Value then begin
- try
- FList.Insert(Index, Current);
- except
- StrDispose(Current);
- raise;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- if (Index < FList.Count) and (Index >= 0) then begin
- StrDispose(FList[Index]);
- FList.Delete(Index);
- end;
- StrDispose(Current);
- end;
- ListChanged;
- TRxDBGrid(FGrid).InvalidateRow(TRxDBGrid(FGrid).Row);
- GridInvalidateRow(TRxDBGrid(FGrid), TRxDBGrid(FGrid).Row);
- end;
- procedure TBookmarkList.ListChanged;
- begin
- if FCache <> nil then StrDispose(FCache);
- FCache := nil;
- FCacheIndex := -1;
- end;
- {$ENDIF WIN32}
- type
- TBookmarks = class(TBookmarkList);
- { TRxDBGrid }
- constructor TRxDBGrid.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- var
- Bmp: TBitmap;
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- inherited DefaultDrawing := False;
- Options := DefRxGridOptions;
- Bmp := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- Bmp.Handle := LoadBitmap(hInstance, bmMultiDot);
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- FMsIndicators := TImageList.CreateSize(Bmp.Width, Bmp.Height);
- {$ELSE}
- FMsIndicators := TImageList.Create(Bmp.Width, Bmp.Height);
- Bmp.Monochrome := False;
- {$ENDIF}
- FMsIndicators.AddMasked(Bmp, clWhite);
- Bmp.Handle := LoadBitmap(hInstance, bmMultiArrow);
- Bmp.Monochrome := False;
- {$ENDIF}
- FMsIndicators.AddMasked(Bmp, clWhite);
- finally
- Bmp.Free;
- end;
- FIniLink := TIniLink.Create;
- FIniLink.OnSave := IniSave;
- FIniLink.OnLoad := IniLoad;
- FShowGlyphs := True;
- FDefaultDrawing := True;
- FClearSelection := True;
- FBookmarks := TBookmarkList.Create(Self);
- FPressedCol := -1;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- destructor TRxDBGrid.Destroy;
- begin
- FIniLink.Free;
- if FSelectionAnchor <> nil then StrDispose(FSelectionAnchor);
- FSelectionAnchor := nil;
- FBookmarks.Free;
- FBookmarks := nil;
- {$ENDIF}
- FMsIndicators.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- function TRxDBGrid.GetImageIndex(Field: TField): Integer;
- var
- AOnGetText: TFieldGetTextEvent;
- AOnSetText: TFieldSetTextEvent;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- if FShowGlyphs and Assigned(Field) then begin
- if (not ReadOnly) and Field.CanModify then begin
- { Allow editing of memo fields if OnSetText and OnGetText
- events are assigned }
- AOnGetText := Field.OnGetText;
- AOnSetText := Field.OnSetText;
- if Assigned(AOnSetText) and Assigned(AOnGetText) then Exit;
- end;
- case Field.DataType of
- ftBytes, ftVarBytes, ftBlob: Result := Ord(gpBlob);
- ftMemo: Result := Ord(gpMemo);
- ftGraphic: Result := Ord(gpPicture);
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- ftTypedBinary: Result := Ord(gpBlob);
- ftFmtMemo: Result := Ord(gpMemo);
- ftParadoxOle, ftDBaseOle: Result := Ord(gpOle);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- ftCursor: Result := Ord(gpData);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- ftReference, ftDataSet: Result := Ord(gpData);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF RX_D5}
- ftOraClob: Result := Ord(gpMemo);
- ftOraBlob: Result := Ord(gpBlob);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TRxDBGrid.ActiveRowSelected: Boolean;
- var
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- Index: Integer;
- {$ELSE}
- Index: Longint;
- Bookmark: TBookmark;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- Result := False;
- if MultiSelect and Datalink.Active then begin
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- Result := SelectedRows.Find(Datalink.DataSet.Bookmark, Index);
- {$ELSE}
- Bookmark := Datalink.Dataset.GetBookmark;
- try
- Result := SelectedRows.Find(Bookmark, Index);
- finally
- StrDispose(Bookmark);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- function TRxDBGrid.HighlightCell(DataCol, DataRow: Integer;
- const Value: string; AState: TGridDrawState): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := ActiveRowSelected;
- if not Result then
- Result := inherited HighlightCell(DataCol, DataRow, Value, AState);
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.ToggleRowSelection;
- begin
- if MultiSelect and Datalink.Active then
- with SelectedRows do CurrentRowSelected := not CurrentRowSelected;
- end;
- function TRxDBGrid.GetSelCount: Longint;
- begin
- if MultiSelect and (Datalink <> nil) and Datalink.Active then
- Result := SelectedRows.Count
- else Result := 0;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.SelectAll;
- var
- ABookmark: TBookmark;
- begin
- if MultiSelect and DataLink.Active then begin
- with Datalink.Dataset do begin
- if (BOF and EOF) then Exit;
- DisableControls;
- try
- ABookmark := GetBookmark;
- try
- First;
- while not EOF do begin
- SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := True;
- Next;
- end;
- finally
- try
- GotoBookmark(ABookmark);
- except
- end;
- FreeBookmark(ABookmark);
- end;
- finally
- EnableControls;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.UnselectAll;
- begin
- if MultiSelect then begin
- SelectedRows.Clear;
- FSelecting := False;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.GotoSelection(Index: Longint);
- begin
- if MultiSelect and DataLink.Active and (Index < SelectedRows.Count) and
- (Index >= 0) then
- Datalink.DataSet.GotoBookmark(Pointer(SelectedRows[Index]));
- end;
- function TRxDBGrid.GetIndicatorOffset: Byte;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if dgIndicator in Options then Inc(Result);
- end;
- {$ENDIF WIN32}
- procedure TRxDBGrid.LayoutChanged;
- var
- ACol: Longint;
- begin
- ACol := Col;
- inherited LayoutChanged;
- if Datalink.Active and (FixedCols > 0) then
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- Col := Min(Max(CalcLeftColumn, ACol), ColCount - 1);
- {$ELSE}
- Col := Min(Max(inherited FixedCols, ACol), ColCount - 1);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure TRxDBGrid.ColWidthsChanged;
- var
- ACol: Longint;
- begin
- ACol := Col;
- inherited ColWidthsChanged;
- if Datalink.Active and (FixedCols > 0) then
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- Col := Min(Max(CalcLeftColumn, ACol), ColCount - 1);
- {$ELSE}
- Col := Min(Max(inherited FixedCols, ACol), ColCount - 1);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- function TRxDBGrid.CreateEditor: TInplaceEdit;
- begin
- Result := inherited CreateEditor;
- TEdit(Result).OnChange := EditChanged;
- end;
- function TRxDBGrid.GetTitleOffset: Byte;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- var
- I, J: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if dgTitles in Options then begin
- Result := 1;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- if (Datalink <> nil) and (Datalink.Dataset <> nil) and
- Datalink.Dataset.ObjectView then
- begin
- for I := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do begin
- if Columns[I].Showing then begin
- J := Columns[I].Depth;
- if J >= Result then Result := J + 1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.SetColumnAttributes;
- begin
- inherited SetColumnAttributes;
- SetFixedCols(FFixedCols);
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.SetFixedCols(Value: Integer);
- var
- FixCount, I: Integer;
- begin
- FixCount := Max(Value, 0) + IndicatorOffset;
- if DataLink.Active and not (csLoading in ComponentState) and
- (ColCount > IndicatorOffset + 1) then
- begin
- FixCount := Min(FixCount, ColCount - 1);
- inherited FixedCols := FixCount;
- for I := 1 to Min(FixedCols, ColCount - 1) do
- TabStops[I] := False;
- end;
- FFixedCols := FixCount - IndicatorOffset;
- end;
- function TRxDBGrid.GetFixedCols: Integer;
- begin
- if DataLink.Active then Result := inherited FixedCols - IndicatorOffset
- else Result := FFixedCols;
- end;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- function TRxDBGrid.CalcLeftColumn: Integer;
- begin
- Result := FixedCols + IndicatorOffset;
- while (Result < ColCount) and (ColWidths[Result] <= 0) do
- Inc(Result);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure TRxDBGrid.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
- var
- KeyDownEvent: TKeyEvent;
- procedure ClearSelections;
- begin
- if FMultiSelect then begin
- if FClearSelection then SelectedRows.Clear;
- FSelecting := False;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DoSelection(Select: Boolean; Direction: Integer);
- var
- AddAfter: Boolean;
- CurRow: TBookmark;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- AddAfter := False;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- BeginUpdate;
- try
- {$ENDIF}
- if MultiSelect and DataLink.Active then
- if Select and (ssShift in Shift) then begin
- if not FSelecting then begin
- if FSelectionAnchor <> nil then StrDispose(FSelectionAnchor);
- {$ENDIF}
- FSelectionAnchor := TBookmarks(SelectedRows).CurrentRow;
- SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := True;
- FSelecting := True;
- AddAfter := True;
- end
- else with TBookmarks(SelectedRows) do begin
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- AddAfter := Compare(CurrentRow, FSelectionAnchor) <> -Direction;
- {$ELSE}
- CurRow := CurrentRow;
- try
- AddAfter := Compare(CurRow, FSelectionAnchor) <> -Direction;
- finally
- StrDispose(CurRow);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- if not AddAfter then CurrentRowSelected := False;
- end
- end
- else ClearSelections;
- if Direction <> 0 then Datalink.DataSet.MoveBy(Direction);
- if AddAfter then SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := True;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- finally
- EndUpdate;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- procedure NextRow(Select: Boolean);
- begin
- with Datalink.Dataset do begin
- DoSelection(Select, 1);
- if EOF and CanModify and (not ReadOnly) and (dgEditing in Options) then
- Append;
- end;
- end;
- procedure PriorRow(Select: Boolean);
- begin
- DoSelection(Select, -1);
- end;
- procedure CheckTab(GoForward: Boolean);
- var
- ACol, Original: Integer;
- begin
- ACol := Col;
- Original := ACol;
- if MultiSelect and DataLink.Active then
- while True do begin
- if GoForward then Inc(ACol) else Dec(ACol);
- if ACol >= ColCount then begin
- ClearSelections;
- ACol := IndicatorOffset;
- end
- else if ACol < IndicatorOffset then begin
- ClearSelections;
- ACol := ColCount;
- end;
- if ACol = Original then Exit;
- if TabStops[ACol] then Exit;
- end;
- end;
- function DeletePrompt: Boolean;
- var
- S: string;
- begin
- if (SelectedRows.Count > 1) then
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- S := ResStr(SDeleteMultipleRecordsQuestion)
- {$ELSE}
- S := LoadStr(SDeleteMultipleRecords)
- {$ENDIF}
- else S := ResStr(SDeleteRecordQuestion);
- Result := not (dgConfirmDelete in Options) or
- (MessageDlg(S, mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrYes);
- end;
- begin
- KeyDownEvent := OnKeyDown;
- if Assigned(KeyDownEvent) then KeyDownEvent(Self, Key, Shift);
- if not Datalink.Active or not CanGridAcceptKey(Key, Shift) then Exit;
- with Datalink.DataSet do
- if ssCtrl in Shift then begin
- if (Key in [VK_UP, VK_PRIOR, VK_DOWN, VK_NEXT, VK_HOME, VK_END]) then
- ClearSelections;
- case Key of
- if FixedCols > 0 then begin
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- SelectedIndex := CalcLeftColumn - IndicatorOffset;
- {$ELSE}
- SelectedIndex := FixedCols;
- {$ENDIF}
- Exit;
- end;
- if not ReadOnly and CanModify and not
- IsDataSetEmpty(Datalink.DataSet) then
- begin
- if DeletePrompt then begin
- if SelectedRows.Count > 0 then SelectedRows.Delete
- else Delete;
- end;
- Exit;
- end;
- end
- end
- else begin
- case Key of
- if (FixedCols > 0) and not (dgRowSelect in Options) then begin
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- if SelectedIndex <= CalcLeftColumn - IndicatorOffset then
- Exit;
- {$ELSE}
- if SelectedIndex <= FFixedCols then Exit;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- if (FixedCols > 0) and (ColCount <> IndicatorOffset + 1) and
- not (dgRowSelect in Options) then
- begin
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- SelectedIndex := CalcLeftColumn - IndicatorOffset;
- {$ELSE}
- SelectedIndex := FixedCols;
- {$ENDIF}
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- if (Datalink.DataSet.State = dsBrowse) then begin
- case Key of
- VK_UP:
- begin
- PriorRow(True); Exit;
- end;
- begin
- NextRow(True); Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if ((Key in [VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT]) and (dgRowSelect in Options)) or
- ((Key in [VK_HOME, VK_END]) and ((ColCount = IndicatorOffset + 1)
- or (dgRowSelect in Options))) or (Key in [VK_ESCAPE, VK_NEXT,
- VK_PRIOR]) or ((Key = VK_INSERT) and (CanModify and
- (not ReadOnly) and (dgEditing in Options))) then
- ClearSelections
- else if ((Key = VK_TAB) and not (ssAlt in Shift)) then
- CheckTab(not (ssShift in Shift));
- end;
- OnKeyDown := nil;
- try
- inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift);
- finally
- OnKeyDown := KeyDownEvent;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.SetShowGlyphs(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if FShowGlyphs <> Value then begin
- FShowGlyphs := Value;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.SetRowsHeight(Value: Integer);
- begin
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and (DefaultRowHeight <> Value) then
- begin
- DefaultRowHeight := Value;
- if dgTitles in Options then RowHeights[0] := Value + 2;
- if HandleAllocated then
- Perform(WM_SIZE, SIZE_RESTORED, MakeLong(ClientWidth, ClientHeight));
- end;
- end;
- function TRxDBGrid.GetRowsHeight: Integer;
- begin
- Result := DefaultRowHeight;
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- function TRxDBGrid.GetOptions: TDBGridOptions;
- begin
- Result := inherited Options;
- if FMultiSelect then Result := Result + [dgMultiSelect]
- else Result := Result - [dgMultiSelect];
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.SetOptions(Value: TDBGridOptions);
- var
- NewOptions: TGridOptions;
- begin
- inherited Options := Value - [dgMultiSelect];
- NewOptions := TDrawGrid(Self).Options;
- {
- if FTitleButtons then begin
- TDrawGrid(Self).Options := NewOptions + [goFixedHorzLine, goFixedVertLine];
- end else
- }
- begin
- if not (dgColLines in Value) then
- NewOptions := NewOptions - [goFixedVertLine];
- if not (dgRowLines in Value) then
- NewOptions := NewOptions - [goFixedHorzLine];
- TDrawGrid(Self).Options := NewOptions;
- end;
- SetMultiSelect(dgMultiSelect in Value);
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- procedure TRxDBGrid.LinkActive(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- SelectedRows.LinkActive(Value);
- inherited LinkActive(Value);
- end;
- function TRxDBGrid.GetFixedColor: TColor;
- begin
- Result := inherited TitleColor;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.SetFixedColor(Value: TColor);
- begin
- if FixedColor <> Value then begin
- inherited TitleColor := Value;
- inherited FixedColor := Value;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.ColumnMoved(FromIndex, ToIndex: Longint);
- begin
- inherited ColumnMoved(FromIndex, ToIndex);
- if Assigned(FOnColumnMoved) then FOnColumnMoved(Self, FromIndex, ToIndex);
- end;
- {$ENDIF WIN32}
- procedure TRxDBGrid.Paint;
- begin
- inherited Paint;
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and
- (dgRowSelect in Options) and DefaultDrawing and Focused then
- begin
- Canvas.Font.Color := clWindowText;
- with Selection do
- DrawFocusRect(Canvas.Handle, BoxRect(Left, Top, Right, Bottom));
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.SetTitleButtons(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if FTitleButtons <> Value then begin
- FTitleButtons := Value;
- Invalidate;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- SetOptions(Options);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.SetMultiSelect(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if FMultiSelect <> Value then begin
- FMultiSelect := Value;
- if not Value then SelectedRows.Clear;
- end;
- end;
- function TRxDBGrid.GetStorage: TFormPlacement;
- begin
- Result := FIniLink.Storage;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.SetStorage(Value: TFormPlacement);
- begin
- FIniLink.Storage := Value;
- end;
- function TRxDBGrid.AcquireFocus: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if FAcquireFocus and CanFocus and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- begin
- SetFocus;
- Result := Focused or (InplaceEditor <> nil) and InplaceEditor.Focused;
- end;
- end;
- function TRxDBGrid.CanEditShow: Boolean;
- var
- F: TField;
- begin
- Result := inherited CanEditShow;
- F := nil;
- if Result and (Datalink <> nil) and Datalink.Active and (FieldCount > 0) and
- (SelectedIndex < FieldCount) and (SelectedIndex >= 0) and
- (FieldCount <= DataSource.DataSet.FieldCount) then
- begin
- F := Fields[SelectedIndex];
- if F <> nil then Result := GetImageIndex(F) < 0;
- end;
- if Result and Assigned(FOnShowEditor) then
- FOnShowEditor(Self, F, Result);
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.GetCellProps(Field: TField; AFont: TFont;
- var Background: TColor; Highlight: Boolean);
- var
- AColor, ABack: TColor;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnGetCellParams) then
- FOnGetCellParams(Self, Field, AFont, Background, Highlight)
- else if Assigned(FOnGetCellProps) then begin
- if Highlight then begin
- AColor := AFont.Color;
- FOnGetCellProps(Self, Field, AFont, ABack);
- AFont.Color := AColor;
- end
- else FOnGetCellProps(Self, Field, AFont, Background);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.DoTitleClick(ACol: Longint; AField: TField);
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnTitleBtnClick) then FOnTitleBtnClick(Self, ACol, AField);
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.CheckTitleButton(ACol, ARow: Longint; var Enabled: Boolean);
- var
- Field: TField;
- begin
- if (ACol >= 0) and (ACol < {$IFDEF WIN32} Columns.Count {$ELSE}
- FieldCount {$ENDIF}) then
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnCheckButton) then begin
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- Field := Columns[ACol].Field;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- if ColumnAtDepth(Columns[ACol], ARow) <> nil then
- Field := ColumnAtDepth(Columns[ACol], ARow).Field;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ELSE}
- Field := Fields[ACol];
- {$ENDIF}
- FOnCheckButton(Self, ACol, Field, Enabled);
- end;
- end
- else Enabled := False;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.DisableScroll;
- begin
- Inc(FDisableCount);
- end;
- type
- THackLink = class(TGridDataLink);
- procedure TRxDBGrid.EnableScroll;
- begin
- if FDisableCount <> 0 then begin
- Dec(FDisableCount);
- if FDisableCount = 0 then
- THackLink(DataLink).DataSetScrolled(0);
- end;
- end;
- function TRxDBGrid.ScrollDisabled: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := FDisableCount <> 0;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.Scroll(Distance: Integer);
- var
- IndicatorRect: TRect;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if FDisableCount = 0 then begin
- inherited Scroll(Distance);
- if (dgIndicator in Options) and HandleAllocated and MultiSelect then
- begin
- IndicatorRect := BoxRect(0, 0, 0, RowCount - 1);
- InvalidateRect(Handle, @IndicatorRect, False);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- function TRxDBGrid.DoMouseWheelDown(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if Assigned(OnMouseWheelDown) then
- OnMouseWheelDown(Self, Shift, MousePos, Result);
- if not Result then begin
- if not AcquireFocus then Exit;
- if Datalink.Active then begin
- Result := Datalink.DataSet.MoveBy(1) <> 0;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TRxDBGrid.DoMouseWheelUp(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if Assigned(OnMouseWheelUp) then
- OnMouseWheelUp(Self, Shift, MousePos, Result);
- if not Result then begin
- if not AcquireFocus then Exit;
- if Datalink.Active then begin
- Result := Datalink.DataSet.MoveBy(-1) <> 0;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF RX_D4}
- procedure TRxDBGrid.EditChanged(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnEditChange) then FOnEditChange(Self);
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.TopLeftChanged;
- begin
- if (dgRowSelect in Options) and DefaultDrawing then
- GridInvalidateRow(Self, Self.Row);
- inherited TopLeftChanged;
- if FTracking then StopTracking;
- if Assigned(FOnTopLeftChanged) then FOnTopLeftChanged(Self);
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.StopTracking;
- begin
- if FTracking then begin
- TrackButton(-1, -1);
- FTracking := False;
- MouseCapture := False;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.TrackButton(X, Y: Integer);
- var
- Cell: TGridCoord;
- NewPressed: Boolean;
- I, Offset: Integer;
- begin
- Cell := MouseCoord(X, Y);
- Offset := TitleOffset;
- NewPressed := PtInRect(Rect(0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight), Point(X, Y)) and
- (FPressedCol = {$IFDEF WIN32} GetMasterColumn(Cell.X, Cell.Y) {$ELSE}
- Cell.X {$ENDIF}) and (Cell.Y < Offset);
- if FPressed <> NewPressed then begin
- FPressed := NewPressed;
- for I := 0 to Offset - 1 do
- GridInvalidateRow(Self, I);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
- X, Y: Integer);
- var
- Cell: TGridCoord;
- MouseDownEvent: TMouseEvent;
- EnableClick: Boolean;
- begin
- if not AcquireFocus then Exit;
- if (ssDouble in Shift) and (Button = mbLeft) then begin
- DblClick;
- Exit;
- end;
- if Sizing(X, Y) then
- inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y)
- else begin
- Cell := MouseCoord(X, Y);
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- if (DragKind = dkDock) and (Cell.X < IndicatorOffset) and
- (Cell.Y < TitleOffset) and (not (csDesigning in ComponentState)) then
- begin
- BeginDrag(False);
- Exit;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- if FTitleButtons and (Datalink <> nil) and Datalink.Active and
- (Cell.Y < TitleOffset) and (Cell.X >= IndicatorOffset) and
- not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- begin
- if (dgColumnResize in Options) and (Button = mbRight) then begin
- Button := mbLeft;
- FSwapButtons := True;
- MouseCapture := True;
- end
- else if Button = mbLeft then begin
- EnableClick := True;
- CheckTitleButton(Cell.X - IndicatorOffset, Cell.Y, EnableClick);
- if EnableClick then begin
- MouseCapture := True;
- FTracking := True;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- FPressedCol := GetMasterColumn(Cell.X, Cell.Y);
- {$ELSE}
- FPressedCol := Cell.X;
- {$ENDIF}
- TrackButton(X, Y);
- end else Beep;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- if (Cell.X < FixedCols + IndicatorOffset) and Datalink.Active then begin
- if (dgIndicator in Options) then
- inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, 1, Y)
- else if Cell.Y >= TitleOffset then
- if Cell.Y - Row <> 0 then Datalink.Dataset.MoveBy(Cell.Y - Row);
- end
- else inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y);
- MouseDownEvent := OnMouseDown;
- if Assigned(MouseDownEvent) then MouseDownEvent(Self, Button, Shift, X, Y);
- if not (((csDesigning in ComponentState) or (dgColumnResize in Options)) and
- (Cell.Y < TitleOffset)) and (Button = mbLeft) then
- begin
- if MultiSelect and Datalink.Active then
- with SelectedRows do begin
- FSelecting := False;
- if ssCtrl in Shift then
- CurrentRowSelected := not CurrentRowSelected
- else begin
- Clear;
- if FClearSelection then CurrentRowSelected := True;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- begin
- if FTracking then TrackButton(X, Y);
- inherited MouseMove(Shift, X, Y);
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
- X, Y: Integer);
- var
- Cell: TGridCoord;
- ACol: Longint;
- DoClick: Boolean;
- begin
- if FTracking and {$IFDEF WIN32} (FPressedCol <> nil) {$ELSE}
- (FPressedCol >= 0) {$ENDIF} then
- begin
- Cell := MouseCoord(X, Y);
- DoClick := PtInRect(Rect(0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight), Point(X, Y))
- and (Cell.Y < TitleOffset) and
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- (FPressedCol = GetMasterColumn(Cell.X, Cell.Y));
- {$ELSE}
- (Cell.X = FPressedCol);
- {$ENDIF}
- StopTracking;
- if DoClick then begin
- ACol := Cell.X;
- if (dgIndicator in Options) then Dec(ACol);
- if (DataLink <> nil) and DataLink.Active and (ACol >= 0) and
- (ACol < {$IFDEF WIN32} Columns.Count {$ELSE} FieldCount {$ENDIF}) then
- begin
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- DoTitleClick(FPressedCol.Index, FPressedCol.Field);
- {$ELSE}
- DoTitleClick(ACol, Fields[ACol]);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- end
- else if FSwapButtons then begin
- FSwapButtons := False;
- MouseCapture := False;
- if Button = mbRight then Button := mbLeft;
- end;
- inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure TRxDBGrid.WMRButtonUp(var Message: TWMMouse);
- begin
- if not (FGridState in [gsColMoving, gsRowMoving]) then
- inherited
- else if not (csNoStdEvents in ControlStyle) then
- with Message do MouseUp(mbRight, KeysToShiftState(Keys), XPos, YPos);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure TRxDBGrid.WMCancelMode(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- StopTracking;
- inherited;
- end;
- type
- THack = class(TWinControl);
- procedure TRxDBGrid.WMChar(var Msg: TWMChar);
- function DoKeyPress(var Msg: TWMChar): Boolean;
- var
- Form: TCustomForm;
- Ch: Char;
- begin
- Result := True;
- Form := GetParentForm(Self);
- if (Form <> nil) and TForm(Form).KeyPreview and
- THack(Form).DoKeyPress(Msg) then Exit;
- with Msg do begin
- if Assigned(FOnKeyPress) then begin
- Ch := Char(CharCode);
- FOnKeyPress(Self, Ch);
- CharCode := Word(Ch);
- end;
- if Char(CharCode) = #0 then Exit;
- end;
- Result := False;
- end;
- begin
- if EditorMode or not DoKeyPress(Msg) then inherited;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.KeyPress(var Key: Char);
- begin
- if EditorMode then inherited OnKeyPress := FOnKeyPress;
- try
- inherited KeyPress(Key);
- finally
- inherited OnKeyPress := nil;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.DefaultDataCellDraw(const Rect: TRect; Field: TField;
- State: TGridDrawState);
- begin
- DefaultDrawDataCell(Rect, Field, State);
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- function TRxDBGrid.GetMasterColumn(ACol, ARow: Longint): TColumn;
- begin
- if (dgIndicator in Options) then Dec(ACol, IndicatorOffset);
- if (Datalink <> nil) and Datalink.Active and (ACol >= 0) and
- (ACol < Columns.Count) then
- begin
- Result := Columns[ACol];
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- Result := ColumnAtDepth(Result, ARow);
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- else Result := nil;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure TRxDBGrid.DrawCell(ACol, ARow: Longint; ARect: TRect;
- AState: TGridDrawState);
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- function CalcTitleRect(Col: TColumn; ARow: Integer; var MasterCol: TColumn): TRect;
- { copied from Inprise's DbGrids.pas }
- var
- I,J: Integer;
- InBiDiMode: Boolean;
- DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
- begin
- MasterCol := ColumnAtDepth(Col, ARow);
- if MasterCol = nil then Exit;
- I := DataToRawColumn(MasterCol.Index);
- if I >= LeftCol then J := MasterCol.Depth
- else begin
- if (FixedCols > 0) and (MasterCol.Index < FixedCols) then begin
- J := MasterCol.Depth;
- end
- else begin
- I := LeftCol;
- if Col.Depth > ARow then J := ARow
- else J := Col.Depth;
- end;
- end;
- Result := CellRect(I, J);
- InBiDiMode := UseRightToLeftAlignment and (Canvas.CanvasOrientation = coLeftToRight);
- for I := Col.Index to Columns.Count - 1 do begin
- if ColumnAtDepth(Columns[I], ARow) <> MasterCol then Break;
- if not InBiDiMode then begin
- J := CellRect(DataToRawColumn(I), ARow).Right;
- if J = 0 then Break;
- Result.Right := Max(Result.Right, J);
- end
- else begin
- J := CellRect(DataToRawColumn(I), ARow).Left;
- if J >= ClientWidth then Break;
- Result.Left := J;
- end;
- end;
- J := Col.Depth;
- if (J <= ARow) and (J < FixedRows - 1) then begin
- CalcFixedInfo(DrawInfo);
- Result.Bottom := DrawInfo.Vert.FixedBoundary -
- DrawInfo.Vert.EffectiveLineWidth;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DrawExpandBtn(var TitleRect, TextRect: TRect; InBiDiMode: Boolean;
- Expanded: Boolean); { copied from Inprise's DbGrids.pas }
- const
- ScrollArrows: array [Boolean, Boolean] of Integer =
- var
- ButtonRect: TRect;
- I: Integer;
- begin
- I := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXHSCROLL);
- if ((TextRect.Right - TextRect.Left) > I) then begin
- Dec(TextRect.Right, I);
- ButtonRect := TitleRect;
- ButtonRect.Left := TextRect.Right;
- I := SaveDC(Canvas.Handle);
- try
- Canvas.FillRect(ButtonRect);
- InflateRect(ButtonRect, -1, -1);
- with ButtonRect do
- IntersectClipRect(Canvas.Handle, Left, Top, Right, Bottom);
- InflateRect(ButtonRect, 1, 1);
- { DrawFrameControl doesn't draw properly when orienatation has changed.
- It draws as ExtTextOut does. }
- if InBiDiMode then { stretch the arrows box }
- Inc(ButtonRect.Right, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXHSCROLL) + 4);
- DrawFrameControl(Canvas.Handle, ButtonRect, DFC_SCROLL,
- ScrollArrows[InBiDiMode, Expanded] or DFCS_FLAT);
- finally
- RestoreDC(Canvas.Handle, I);
- end;
- TitleRect.Right := ButtonRect.Left;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF RX_D4}
- var
- FrameOffs: Byte;
- BackColor: TColor;
- SortMarker: TSortMarker;
- Indicator, ALeft: Integer;
- Down: Boolean;
- Bmp: TBitmap;
- SavePen: TColor;
- OldActive: Longint;
- MultiSelected: Boolean;
- FixRect: TRect;
- TitleRect, TextRect: TRect;
- AField: TField;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- MasterCol: TColumn;
- InBiDiMode: Boolean;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- DrawColumn: TColumn;
- const
- EdgeFlag: array[Boolean] of UINT = (BDR_RAISEDINNER, BDR_SUNKENINNER);
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- inherited DrawCell(ACol, ARow, ARect, AState);
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- InBiDiMode := Canvas.CanvasOrientation = coRightToLeft;
- {$ENDIF}
- if (dgIndicator in Options) and (ACol = 0) and (ARow - TitleOffset >= 0)
- and MultiSelect and (DataLink <> nil) and DataLink.Active and
- (Datalink.DataSet.State = dsBrowse) then
- begin { draw multiselect indicators if needed }
- FixRect := ARect;
- if ([dgRowLines, dgColLines] * Options = [dgRowLines, dgColLines]) then
- begin
- InflateRect(FixRect, -1, -1);
- FrameOffs := 1;
- end
- else FrameOffs := 2;
- OldActive := DataLink.ActiveRecord;
- try
- Datalink.ActiveRecord := ARow - TitleOffset;
- MultiSelected := ActiveRowSelected;
- finally
- Datalink.ActiveRecord := OldActive;
- end;
- if MultiSelected then begin
- if (ARow - TitleOffset <> Datalink.ActiveRecord) then Indicator := 0
- else Indicator := 1; { multiselected and current row }
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- FMsIndicators.BkColor := FixedColor;
- {$ELSE}
- Canvas.Brush.Color := TitleColor;
- Canvas.FillRect(FixRect);
- {$ENDIF}
- ALeft := FixRect.Right - FMsIndicators.Width - FrameOffs;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- if InBiDiMode then Inc(ALeft);
- {$ENDIF}
- FMsIndicators.Draw(Self.Canvas, ALeft, (FixRect.Top +
- FixRect.Bottom - FMsIndicators.Height) shr 1, Indicator);
- end;
- end
- else if not (csLoading in ComponentState) and
- (FTitleButtons {$IFDEF RX_D4} or (FixedCols > 0) {$ENDIF}) and
- (gdFixed in AState) and (dgTitles in Options) and (ARow < TitleOffset) then
- begin
- SavePen := Canvas.Pen.Color;
- try
- Canvas.Pen.Color := clWindowFrame;
- if (dgIndicator in Options) then Dec(ACol, IndicatorOffset);
- AField := nil;
- SortMarker := smNone;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- if (Datalink <> nil) and Datalink.Active and (ACol >= 0) and
- (ACol < Columns.Count) then
- begin
- DrawColumn := Columns[ACol];
- AField := DrawColumn.Field;
- end
- else DrawColumn := nil;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- if Assigned(DrawColumn) and not DrawColumn.Showing then Exit;
- TitleRect := CalcTitleRect(DrawColumn, ARow, MasterCol);
- if TitleRect.Right < ARect.Right then
- TitleRect.Right := ARect.Right;
- if MasterCol = nil then
- Exit
- else if MasterCol <> DrawColumn then
- AField := MasterCol.Field;
- DrawColumn := MasterCol;
- if ((dgColLines in Options) or FTitleButtons) and (ACol = FixedCols - 1) then
- begin
- if (ACol < Columns.Count - 1) and not (Columns[ACol + 1].Showing) then
- begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(TitleRect.Right, TitleRect.Top);
- Canvas.LineTo(TitleRect.Right, TitleRect.Bottom);
- end;
- end;
- if ((dgRowLines in Options) or FTitleButtons) and not MasterCol.Showing then
- begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(TitleRect.Left, TitleRect.Bottom);
- Canvas.LineTo(TitleRect.Right, TitleRect.Bottom);
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- TitleRect := ARect;
- {$ENDIF RX_D4}
- Down := FPressed and FTitleButtons and (FPressedCol = DrawColumn);
- if FTitleButtons or ([dgRowLines, dgColLines] * Options =
- [dgRowLines, dgColLines]) then
- begin
- DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, TitleRect, EdgeFlag[Down], BF_BOTTOMRIGHT);
- DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, TitleRect, EdgeFlag[Down], BF_TOPLEFT);
- InflateRect(TitleRect, -1, -1);
- end;
- Canvas.Font := TitleFont;
- Canvas.Brush.Color := FixedColor;
- if (DrawColumn <> nil) then begin
- Canvas.Font := DrawColumn.Title.Font;
- Canvas.Brush.Color := DrawColumn.Title.Color;
- end;
- if FTitleButtons and (AField <> nil) and Assigned(FOnGetBtnParams) then
- begin
- BackColor := Canvas.Brush.Color;
- FOnGetBtnParams(Self, AField, Canvas.Font, BackColor, SortMarker, Down);
- Canvas.Brush.Color := BackColor;
- end;
- if Down then begin
- Inc(TitleRect.Left); Inc(TitleRect.Top);
- end;
- ARect := TitleRect;
- if (DataLink = nil) or not DataLink.Active then
- Canvas.FillRect(TitleRect)
- else if (DrawColumn <> nil) then begin
- case SortMarker of
- smDown: Bmp := GetGridBitmap(gpMarkDown);
- smUp: Bmp := GetGridBitmap(gpMarkUp);
- else Bmp := nil;
- end;
- if Bmp <> nil then Indicator := Bmp.Width + 6
- else Indicator := 1;
- TextRect := TitleRect;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- if DrawColumn.Expandable then
- DrawExpandBtn(TitleRect, TextRect, InBiDiMode, DrawColumn.Expanded);
- {$ENDIF}
- with DrawColumn.Title do
- DrawCellText(Self, ACol, ARow, MinimizeText(Caption, Canvas,
- WidthOf(TextRect) - Indicator), TextRect, Alignment, vaCenter
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}, IsRightToLeft {$ENDIF});
- if Bmp <> nil then begin
- ALeft := TitleRect.Right - Bmp.Width - 3;
- if Down then Inc(ALeft);
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- if IsRightToLeft then ALeft := TitleRect.Left + 3;
- {$ENDIF}
- if (ALeft > TitleRect.Left) and (ALeft + Bmp.Width < TitleRect.Right) then
- DrawBitmapTransparent(Canvas, ALeft, (TitleRect.Bottom +
- TitleRect.Top - Bmp.Height) div 2, Bmp, clFuchsia);
- end;
- end
- {$ELSE WIN32}
- if not (dgColLines in Options) then begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(ARect.Right - 1, ARect.Top);
- Canvas.LineTo(ARect.Right - 1, ARect.Bottom);
- Dec(ARect.Right);
- end;
- if not (dgRowLines in Options) then begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom - 1);
- Canvas.LineTo(ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom - 1);
- Dec(ARect.Bottom);
- end;
- Down := FPressed and FTitleButtons and (FPressedCol = ACol);
- if (Datalink <> nil) and Datalink.Active and (ACol >= 0) and
- (ACol < FieldCount) then
- begin
- AField := Fields[ACol];
- end;
- if Down then begin
- with ARect do begin
- Canvas.Pen.Color := clBtnShadow;
- Canvas.PolyLine([Point(Left, Bottom - 1), Point(Left, Top),
- Point(Right, Top)]);
- Inc(Left, 2); Inc(Top, 2);
- end;
- end
- else Frame3D(Canvas, ARect, clBtnHighlight, clBtnShadow, 1);
- Canvas.Font := TitleFont;
- Canvas.Brush.Color := TitleColor;
- if FTitleButtons and (AField <> nil) and Assigned(FOnGetBtnParams) then
- begin
- BackColor := Canvas.Brush.Color;
- FOnGetBtnParams(Self, AField, Canvas.Font, BackColor, SortMarker, Down);
- Canvas.Brush.Color := BackColor;
- end;
- if (DataLink = nil) or not DataLink.Active then
- Canvas.FillRect(ARect)
- else if (AField <> nil) then begin
- case SortMarker of
- smDown: Bmp := GetGridBitmap(gpMarkDown);
- smUp: Bmp := GetGridBitmap(gpMarkUp);
- else Bmp := nil;
- end;
- if Bmp <> nil then Indicator := Bmp.Width + 8
- else Indicator := 1;
- DrawCellText(Self, ACol, ARow, MinimizeText(AField.DisplayLabel,
- Canvas, WidthOf(ARect) - Indicator), ARect, taLeftJustify, vaCenter);
- if Bmp <> nil then begin
- ALeft := ARect.Right - Bmp.Width - 4;
- if Down then Inc(ALeft);
- DrawBitmapTransparent(Canvas, ALeft,
- (ARect.Bottom + ARect.Top - Bmp.Height) div 2, Bmp, clFuchsia);
- end;
- end
- {$ENDIF WIN32}
- else DrawCellText(Self, ACol, ARow, '', ARect, taLeftJustify, vaCenter);
- finally
- Canvas.Pen.Color := SavePen;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- Canvas.Font := Self.Font;
- if (DataLink <> nil) and DataLink.Active and (ACol >= 0) and
- (ACol < Columns.Count) then
- begin
- DrawColumn := Columns[ACol];
- if DrawColumn <> nil then Canvas.Font := DrawColumn.Font;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure TRxDBGrid.DrawColumnCell(const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer;
- Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState);
- {$ELSE}
- procedure TRxDBGrid.DrawDataCell(const Rect: TRect; Field: TField;
- State: TGridDrawState);
- {$ENDIF}
- var
- I: Integer;
- NewBackgrnd: TColor;
- Highlight: Boolean;
- Bmp: TBitmap;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- Field: TField;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- Field := Column.Field;
- {$ENDIF}
- NewBackgrnd := Canvas.Brush.Color;
- Highlight := (gdSelected in State) and ((dgAlwaysShowSelection in Options) or
- Focused);
- GetCellProps(Field, Canvas.Font, NewBackgrnd, Highlight or ActiveRowSelected);
- Canvas.Brush.Color := NewBackgrnd;
- if FDefaultDrawing then begin
- I := GetImageIndex(Field);
- if I >= 0 then begin
- Bmp := GetGridBitmap(TGridPicture(I));
- Canvas.FillRect(Rect);
- DrawBitmapTransparent(Canvas, (Rect.Left + Rect.Right - Bmp.Width) div 2,
- (Rect.Top + Rect.Bottom - Bmp.Height) div 2, Bmp, clOlive);
- end else
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- DefaultDrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State);
- {$ELSE}
- DefaultDrawDataCell(Rect, Field, State);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- if Columns.State = csDefault then
- inherited DrawDataCell(Rect, Field, State);
- inherited DrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State);
- {$ELSE}
- inherited DrawDataCell(Rect, Field, State);
- {$ENDIF}
- if FDefaultDrawing and Highlight and not (csDesigning in ComponentState)
- and not (dgRowSelect in Options)
- and (ValidParentForm(Self).ActiveControl = Self) then
- Canvas.DrawFocusRect(Rect);
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure TRxDBGrid.DrawDataCell(const Rect: TRect; Field: TField;
- State: TGridDrawState);
- begin
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure TRxDBGrid.MouseToCell(X, Y: Integer; var ACol, ARow: Longint);
- var
- Coord: TGridCoord;
- begin
- Coord := MouseCoord(X, Y);
- ACol := Coord.X;
- ARow := Coord.Y;
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure TRxDBGrid.SaveColumnsLayout(IniFile: TObject;
- const Section: string);
- var
- I: Integer;
- S: string;
- begin
- if Section <> '' then S := Section
- else S := GetDefaultSection(Self);
- IniEraseSection(IniFile, S);
- with Columns do begin
- for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin
- IniWriteString(IniFile, S, Format('%s.%s', [Name, Items[I].FieldName]),
- Format('%d,%d', [Items[I].Index, Items[I].Width]));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.RestoreColumnsLayout(IniFile: TObject;
- const Section: string);
- type
- TColumnInfo = record
- Column: TColumn;
- EndIndex: Integer;
- end;
- PColumnArray = ^TColumnArray;
- TColumnArray = array[0..0] of TColumnInfo;
- const
- Delims = [' ',','];
- var
- I, J: Integer;
- SectionName, S: string;
- ColumnArray: PColumnArray;
- begin
- if Section <> '' then SectionName := Section
- else SectionName := GetDefaultSection(Self);
- with Columns do begin
- ColumnArray := AllocMemo(Count * SizeOf(TColumnInfo));
- try
- for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin
- S := IniReadString(IniFile, SectionName,
- Format('%s.%s', [Name, Items[I].FieldName]), '');
- ColumnArray^[I].Column := Items[I];
- ColumnArray^[I].EndIndex := Items[I].Index;
- if S <> '' then begin
- ColumnArray^[I].EndIndex := StrToIntDef(ExtractWord(1, S, Delims),
- ColumnArray^[I].EndIndex);
- Items[I].Width := StrToIntDef(ExtractWord(2, S, Delims),
- Items[I].Width);
- end;
- end;
- for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin
- for J := 0 to Count - 1 do begin
- if ColumnArray^[J].EndIndex = I then begin
- ColumnArray^[J].Column.Index := ColumnArray^[J].EndIndex;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- FreeMemo(Pointer(ColumnArray));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.SaveLayoutReg(IniFile: TRegIniFile);
- begin
- InternalSaveLayout(IniFile, '');
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.RestoreLayoutReg(IniFile: TRegIniFile);
- begin
- InternalRestoreLayout(IniFile, '');
- end;
- {$ENDIF WIN32}
- procedure TRxDBGrid.InternalSaveLayout(IniFile: TObject;
- const Section: string);
- begin
- if (DataSource <> nil) and (DataSource.DataSet <> nil) then
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- if StoreColumns then SaveColumnsLayout(IniFile, Section) else
- {$ENDIF}
- InternalSaveFields(DataSource.DataSet, IniFile, Section);
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.InternalRestoreLayout(IniFile: TObject;
- const Section: string);
- begin
- if (DataSource <> nil) and (DataSource.DataSet <> nil) then begin
- HandleNeeded;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- BeginLayout;
- try
- if StoreColumns then RestoreColumnsLayout(IniFile, Section) else
- {$ENDIF}
- InternalRestoreFields(DataSource.DataSet, IniFile, Section, False);
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- finally
- EndLayout;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.SaveLayout(IniFile: TIniFile);
- begin
- InternalSaveLayout(IniFile, '');
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.RestoreLayout(IniFile: TIniFile);
- begin
- InternalRestoreLayout(IniFile, '');
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.IniSave(Sender: TObject);
- var
- Section: string;
- begin
- if (Name <> '') and (FIniLink.IniObject <> nil) then begin
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- if StoreColumns then
- Section := FIniLink.RootSection + GetDefaultSection(Self) else
- {$ENDIF}
- if (FIniLink.RootSection <> '') and (DataSource <> nil) and
- (DataSource.DataSet <> nil) then
- Section := FIniLink.RootSection + DataSetSectionName(DataSource.DataSet)
- else Section := '';
- InternalSaveLayout(FIniLink.IniObject, Section);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBGrid.IniLoad(Sender: TObject);
- var
- Section: string;
- begin
- if (Name <> '') and (FIniLink.IniObject <> nil) then begin
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- if StoreColumns then
- Section := FIniLink.RootSection + GetDefaultSection(Self) else
- {$ENDIF}
- if (FIniLink.RootSection <> '') and (DataSource <> nil) and
- (DataSource.DataSet <> nil) then
- Section := FIniLink.RootSection + DataSetSectionName(DataSource.DataSet)
- else Section := '';
- InternalRestoreLayout(FIniLink.IniObject, Section);
- end;
- end;
- { TRxDBComboEdit }
- procedure ResetMaxLength(DBEdit: TRxDBComboEdit);
- var
- F: TField;
- begin
- with DBEdit do
- if (MaxLength > 0) and (DataSource <> nil) and
- (DataSource.DataSet <> nil) then
- begin
- F := DataSource.DataSet.FindField(DataField);
- if Assigned(F) and (F.DataType = ftString) and
- (F.Size = MaxLength) then MaxLength := 0;
- end;
- end;
- constructor TRxDBComboEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csReplicatable];
- {$ENDIF}
- inherited ReadOnly := True;
- FDataLink := TFieldDataLink.Create;
- FDataLink.Control := Self;
- FDataLink.OnDataChange := DataChange;
- FDataLink.OnEditingChange := EditingChange;
- FDataLink.OnUpdateData := UpdateData;
- AlwaysEnable := True;
- end;
- destructor TRxDBComboEdit.Destroy;
- begin
- FDataLink.Free;
- FDataLink := nil;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- FCanvas.Free;
- {$ENDIF}
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBComboEdit.Loaded;
- begin
- inherited Loaded;
- ResetMaxLength(Self);
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then DataChange(Self);
- end;
- procedure TRxDBComboEdit.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation);
- begin
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (FDataLink <> nil) and
- (AComponent = DataSource) then DataSource := nil;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBComboEdit.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
- begin
- inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift);
- if (Key = VK_DELETE) or ((Key = VK_INSERT) and (ssShift in Shift)) then
- FDataLink.Edit;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBComboEdit.KeyPress(var Key: Char);
- begin
- inherited KeyPress(Key);
- if (Key in [#32..#255]) and (FDataLink.Field <> nil) and
- not FDataLink.Field.IsValidChar(Key) then
- begin
- Beep;
- Key := #0;
- end;
- case Key of
- ^H, ^V, ^X, #32..#255:
- FDataLink.Edit;
- #27:
- begin
- FDataLink.Reset;
- SelectAll;
- Key := #0;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TRxDBComboEdit.EditCanModify: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := FDataLink.Edit;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBComboEdit.Reset;
- begin
- FDataLink.Reset;
- SelectAll;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBComboEdit.SetFocused(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if FFocused <> Value then begin
- FFocused := Value;
- if (Alignment <> taLeftJustify) and not IsMasked then Invalidate;
- FDataLink.Reset;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBComboEdit.Change;
- begin
- FDataLink.Modified;
- inherited Change;
- end;
- function TRxDBComboEdit.GetDataSource: TDataSource;
- begin
- Result := FDataLink.DataSource;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBComboEdit.SetDataSource(Value: TDataSource);
- begin
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- if not (FDataLink.DataSourceFixed and (csLoading in ComponentState)) then
- {$ENDIF}
- FDataLink.DataSource := Value;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- if Value <> nil then Value.FreeNotification(Self);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- function TRxDBComboEdit.GetDataField: string;
- begin
- Result := FDataLink.FieldName;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBComboEdit.SetDataField(const Value: string);
- begin
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then ResetMaxLength(Self);
- FDataLink.FieldName := Value;
- end;
- function TRxDBComboEdit.GetReadOnly: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := FDataLink.ReadOnly;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBComboEdit.SetReadOnly(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- FDataLink.ReadOnly := Value;
- end;
- function TRxDBComboEdit.GetField: TField;
- begin
- Result := FDataLink.Field;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBComboEdit.DataChange(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if FDataLink.Field <> nil then begin
- if Alignment <> FDataLink.Field.Alignment then begin
- EditText := ''; {forces update}
- Alignment := FDataLink.Field.Alignment;
- end;
- EditMask := FDataLink.Field.EditMask;
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin
- if (FDataLink.Field.DataType = ftString) and (MaxLength = 0) then
- MaxLength := FDataLink.Field.Size;
- end;
- if FFocused and FDataLink.CanModify then
- Text := FDataLink.Field.Text
- else begin
- EditText := FDataLink.Field.DisplayText;
- {if FDataLink.Editing then Modified := True;}
- end;
- end
- else begin
- Alignment := taLeftJustify;
- EditMask := '';
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then EditText := Name
- else EditText := '';
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBComboEdit.EditingChange(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- inherited ReadOnly := not FDataLink.Editing;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBComboEdit.UpdateData(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- ValidateEdit;
- FDataLink.Field.Text := Text;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBComboEdit.WMPaste(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- FDataLink.Edit;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBComboEdit.WMCut(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- FDataLink.Edit;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBComboEdit.CMEnter(var Message: TCMEnter);
- begin
- SetFocused(True);
- inherited;
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- if SysLocale.FarEast and FDataLink.CanModify then
- inherited ReadOnly := False;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- procedure TRxDBComboEdit.CMExit(var Message: TCMExit);
- begin
- try
- FDataLink.UpdateRecord;
- except
- SelectAll;
- if CanFocus then SetFocus;
- raise;
- end;
- SetFocused(False);
- CheckCursor;
- DoExit;
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure TRxDBComboEdit.WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint);
- var
- S: string;
- begin
- if (csPaintCopy in ControlState) and (FDataLink.Field <> nil) then
- begin
- S := FDataLink.Field.DisplayText;
- case CharCase of
- ecUpperCase: S := AnsiUpperCase(S);
- ecLowerCase: S := AnsiLowerCase(S);
- end;
- end
- else S := EditText;
- if not PaintComboEdit(Self, S, Alignment, True, FCanvas, Message) then
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBComboEdit.CMGetDataLink(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- Message.Result := Integer(FDataLink);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- function TRxDBComboEdit.UseRightToLeftAlignment: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := DBUseRightToLeftAlignment(Self, Field);
- end;
- function TRxDBComboEdit.ExecuteAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := inherited ExecuteAction(Action) or (FDataLink <> nil) and
- FDataLink.ExecuteAction(Action);
- end;
- function TRxDBComboEdit.UpdateAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := inherited UpdateAction(Action) or (FDataLink <> nil) and
- FDataLink.UpdateAction(Action);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- { TDBDateEdit }
- constructor TDBDateEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csReplicatable];
- {$ENDIF}
- inherited ReadOnly := True;
- FDataLink := TFieldDataLink.Create;
- FDataLink.Control := Self;
- FDataLink.OnDataChange := DataChange;
- FDataLink.OnEditingChange := EditingChange;
- FDataLink.OnUpdateData := UpdateData;
- Self.OnAcceptDate := AfterPopup;
- AlwaysEnable := True;
- UpdateMask;
- end;
- destructor TDBDateEdit.Destroy;
- begin
- FDataLink.Free;
- FDataLink := nil;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- FCanvas.Free;
- {$ENDIF}
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TDBDateEdit.AfterPopup(Sender: TObject; var Date: TDateTime;
- var Action: Boolean);
- begin
- Action := Action and (DataSource <> nil) and (DataSource.DataSet <> nil) and
- DataSource.DataSet.CanModify;
- if Action then Action := EditCanModify;
- end;
- procedure TDBDateEdit.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation);
- begin
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (FDataLink <> nil) and
- (AComponent = DataSource) then DataSource := nil;
- end;
- procedure TDBDateEdit.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
- begin
- inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift);
- if not ReadOnly and ((Key = VK_DELETE) or ((Key = VK_INSERT)
- and (ssShift in Shift))) then
- FDataLink.Edit;
- end;
- procedure TDBDateEdit.KeyPress(var Key: Char);
- begin
- inherited KeyPress(Key);
- if (Key in [#32..#255]) and (FDataLink.Field <> nil) and
- not (Key in ['0'..'9']) and (Key <> DateSeparator) then
- begin
- Beep;
- Key := #0;
- end;
- case Key of
- ^H, ^V, ^X, '0'..'9': FDataLink.Edit;
- #27:
- begin
- Reset;
- Key := #0;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TDBDateEdit.EditCanModify: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := FDataLink.Edit;
- end;
- procedure TDBDateEdit.Reset;
- begin
- FDataLink.Reset;
- SelectAll;
- end;
- procedure TDBDateEdit.Change;
- begin
- if not Formatting then FDataLink.Modified;
- inherited Change;
- end;
- function TDBDateEdit.GetDataSource: TDataSource;
- begin
- Result := FDataLink.DataSource;
- end;
- procedure TDBDateEdit.SetDataSource(Value: TDataSource);
- begin
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- if not (FDataLink.DataSourceFixed and (csLoading in ComponentState)) then
- {$ENDIF}
- FDataLink.DataSource := Value;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- if Value <> nil then Value.FreeNotification(Self);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- function TDBDateEdit.GetDataField: string;
- begin
- Result := FDataLink.FieldName;
- end;
- procedure TDBDateEdit.SetDataField(const Value: string);
- begin
- FDataLink.FieldName := Value;
- end;
- function TDBDateEdit.GetReadOnly: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := FDataLink.ReadOnly;
- end;
- procedure TDBDateEdit.SetReadOnly(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- FDataLink.ReadOnly := Value;
- end;
- function TDBDateEdit.GetField: TField;
- begin
- Result := FDataLink.Field;
- end;
- procedure TDBDateEdit.UpdateMask;
- begin
- UpdateFormat;
- UpdatePopup;
- DataChange(nil);
- end;
- procedure TDBDateEdit.DataChange(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if FDataLink.Field <> nil then begin
- EditMask := GetDateMask;
- Self.Date := FDataLink.Field.AsDateTime;
- end
- else begin
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then begin
- EditMask := '';
- EditText := Name;
- end
- else begin
- EditMask := GetDateMask;
- if DefaultToday then Date := SysUtils.Date
- else Date := NullDate;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TDBDateEdit.EditingChange(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- inherited ReadOnly := not FDataLink.Editing;
- if FDataLink.Editing and DefaultToday and (FDataLink.Field <> nil) and
- (FDataLink.Field.AsDateTime = NullDate) then
- FDataLink.Field.AsDateTime := SysUtils.Now;
- end;
- procedure TDBDateEdit.UpdateData(Sender: TObject);
- var
- D: TDateTime;
- begin
- ValidateEdit;
- D := Self.Date;
- if D <> NullDate then
- FDataLink.Field.AsDateTime := D + Frac(FDataLink.Field.AsDateTime)
- else FDataLink.Field.Clear;
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure TDBDateEdit.CMGetDataLink(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- Message.Result := Integer(FDataLink);
- end;
- procedure TDBDateEdit.WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint);
- var
- S: string;
- begin
- if (csPaintCopy in ControlState) and (FDataLink.Field <> nil) then begin
- if FDataLink.Field.IsNull then begin
- S := GetDateFormat;
- S := ReplaceStr(ReplaceStr(ReplaceStr(ReplaceStr(S, '/', DateSeparator),
- 'Y', ' '), 'M', ' '), 'D', ' ');
- end
- else
- S := FormatDateTime(GetDateFormat, FDataLink.Field.AsDateTime);
- end else S := EditText;
- if not PaintComboEdit(Self, S, Alignment, True, FCanvas, Message) then
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TDBDateEdit.AcceptValue(const Value: Variant);
- begin
- if VarIsNull(Value) or VarIsEmpty(Value) then FDataLink.Field.Clear
- else FDataLink.Field.AsDateTime :=
- VarToDateTime(Value) + Frac(FDataLink.Field.AsDateTime);
- DoChange;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure TDBDateEdit.ApplyDate(Value: TDateTime);
- begin
- FDataLink.Edit;
- inherited ApplyDate(Value);
- end;
- procedure TDBDateEdit.WMPaste(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- FDataLink.Edit;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TDBDateEdit.WMCut(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- FDataLink.Edit;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TDBDateEdit.CMEnter(var Message: TCMEnter);
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TDBDateEdit.CMExit(var Message: TCMExit);
- begin
- try
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and CheckOnExit then
- CheckValidDate;
- FDataLink.UpdateRecord;
- except
- SelectAll;
- if CanFocus then SetFocus;
- raise;
- end;
- CheckCursor;
- DoExit;
- end;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- function TDBDateEdit.UseRightToLeftAlignment: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := DBUseRightToLeftAlignment(Self, Field);
- end;
- function TDBDateEdit.ExecuteAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := inherited ExecuteAction(Action) or (FDataLink <> nil) and
- FDataLink.ExecuteAction(Action);
- end;
- function TDBDateEdit.UpdateAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := inherited UpdateAction(Action) or (FDataLink <> nil) and
- FDataLink.UpdateAction(Action);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- { TRxDBCalcEdit }
- constructor TRxDBCalcEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csReplicatable];
- {$ENDIF}
- inherited ReadOnly := True;
- FDataLink := TFieldDataLink.Create;
- FDataLink.Control := Self;
- FDataLink.OnDataChange := DataChange;
- FDataLink.OnEditingChange := EditingChange;
- FDataLink.OnUpdateData := UpdateFieldData;
- AlwaysEnable := True;
- end;
- destructor TRxDBCalcEdit.Destroy;
- begin
- FDataLink.Free;
- FDataLink := nil;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBCalcEdit.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation);
- begin
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (FDataLink <> nil) and
- (AComponent = DataSource) then DataSource := nil;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBCalcEdit.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
- begin
- inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift);
- if not ReadOnly and ((Key = VK_DELETE) or ((Key = VK_INSERT)
- and (ssShift in Shift))) then FDataLink.Edit;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBCalcEdit.KeyPress(var Key: Char);
- begin
- inherited KeyPress(Key);
- case Key of
- ^H, ^V, ^X, #32..#255:
- if not PopupVisible then FDataLink.Edit;
- #27:
- begin
- FDataLink.Reset;
- SelectAll;
- Key := #0;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TRxDBCalcEdit.IsValidChar(Key: Char): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := inherited IsValidChar(Key);
- if Result and (FDatalink.Field <> nil) then
- Result := FDatalink.Field.IsValidChar(Key);
- end;
- procedure TRxDBCalcEdit.UpdatePopup;
- var
- Precision: Byte;
- begin
- Precision := DefCalcPrecision;
- if (FDatalink <> nil) and (FDatalink.Field <> nil) and
- (FDatalink.Field is TFloatField) then
- Precision := TFloatField(FDatalink.Field).Precision;
- if FPopup <> nil then
- SetupPopupCalculator(FPopup, Precision, BeepOnError);
- end;
- function TRxDBCalcEdit.EditCanModify: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := FDataLink.Edit;
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- function TRxDBCalcEdit.GetDisplayText: string;
- var
- E: Extended;
- begin
- if (csPaintCopy in ControlState) and (FDatalink.Field <> nil) then begin
- if FDataLink.Field.IsNull then E := 0.0
- else if FDataLink.Field.DataType in [ftSmallint, ftInteger, ftWord] then
- E := FDataLink.Field.AsInteger
- else if FDataLink.Field.DataType = ftBoolean then
- E := Ord(FDataLink.Field.AsBoolean)
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- else if FDataLink.Field is TLargeintField then
- E := TLargeintField(FDataLink.Field).AsLargeInt
- {$ENDIF}
- else E := FDataLink.Field.AsFloat;
- if FDataLink.Field.IsNull then Result := ''
- else Result := FormatDisplayText(E);
- end
- else begin
- if (FDataLink.Field = nil) then begin
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Result := Format('(%s)', [Name])
- else Result := '';
- end
- else Result := inherited GetDisplayText;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure TRxDBCalcEdit.Reset;
- begin
- FDataLink.Reset;
- inherited Reset;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBCalcEdit.Change;
- begin
- if not Formatting then FDataLink.Modified;
- inherited Change;
- end;
- function TRxDBCalcEdit.GetDataSource: TDataSource;
- begin
- Result := FDataLink.DataSource;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBCalcEdit.SetDataSource(Value: TDataSource);
- begin
- if FDataLink.DataSource <> Value then begin
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- if not (FDataLink.DataSourceFixed and (csLoading in ComponentState)) then
- {$ENDIF}
- FDataLink.DataSource := Value;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- if Value <> nil then Value.FreeNotification(Self);
- {$ENDIF}
- UpdateFieldParams;
- end;
- end;
- function TRxDBCalcEdit.GetDataField: string;
- begin
- Result := FDataLink.FieldName;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBCalcEdit.SetDataField(const Value: string);
- begin
- if FDataLink.FieldName <> Value then begin
- FDataLink.FieldName := Value;
- UpdateFieldParams;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBCalcEdit.SetDefaultParams(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if DefaultParams <> Value then begin
- FDefaultParams := Value;
- if FDefaultParams then UpdateFieldParams;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBCalcEdit.UpdateFieldParams;
- begin
- if FDatalink.Field <> nil then begin
- if FDatalink.Field is TNumericField then begin
- if TNumericField(FDatalink.Field).DisplayFormat <> '' then
- DisplayFormat := TNumericField(FDatalink.Field).DisplayFormat;
- Alignment := TNumericField(FDatalink.Field).Alignment;
- end;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- if FDatalink.Field is TLargeintField then begin
- MaxValue := TLargeintField(FDatalink.Field).MaxValue;
- MinValue := TLargeintField(FDatalink.Field).MinValue;
- DecimalPlaces := 0;
- if DisplayFormat = '' then DisplayFormat := ',#';
- end else
- {$ENDIF}
- if FDatalink.Field is TIntegerField then begin
- MaxValue := TIntegerField(FDatalink.Field).MaxValue;
- MinValue := TIntegerField(FDatalink.Field).MinValue;
- DecimalPlaces := 0;
- if DisplayFormat = '' then DisplayFormat := ',#';
- end
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- else if FDatalink.Field is TBCDField then begin
- MaxValue := TBCDField(FDatalink.Field).MaxValue;
- MinValue := TBCDField(FDatalink.Field).MinValue;
- end
- {$ENDIF}
- else if FDatalink.Field is TFloatField then begin
- MaxValue := TFloatField(FDatalink.Field).MaxValue;
- MinValue := TFloatField(FDatalink.Field).MinValue;
- DecimalPlaces := TFloatField(FDatalink.Field).Precision;
- end
- else if FDatalink.Field is TBooleanField then begin
- MinValue := 0;
- MaxValue := 1;
- DecimalPlaces := 0;
- if DisplayFormat = '' then DisplayFormat := ',#';
- end;
- end;
- UpdatePopup;
- end;
- function TRxDBCalcEdit.GetReadOnly: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := FDataLink.ReadOnly;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBCalcEdit.SetReadOnly(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- FDataLink.ReadOnly := Value;
- end;
- function TRxDBCalcEdit.GetField: TField;
- begin
- Result := FDataLink.Field;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBCalcEdit.DataChange(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if FDefaultParams then UpdateFieldParams;
- if FDataLink.Field <> nil then begin
- if FDataLink.Field.IsNull then begin
- Self.Value := 0.0;
- EditText := '';
- end
- else if FDataLink.Field.DataType in [ftSmallint, ftInteger, ftWord] then
- Self.AsInteger := FDataLink.Field.AsInteger
- else if FDataLink.Field.DataType = ftBoolean then
- Self.AsInteger := Ord(FDataLink.Field.AsBoolean)
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- else if FDataLink.Field is TLargeintField then
- Self.Value := TLargeintField(FDataLink.Field).AsLargeInt
- {$ENDIF}
- else Self.Value := FDataLink.Field.AsFloat;
- DataChanged;
- end
- else begin
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then begin
- Self.Value := 0;
- EditText := Format('(%s)', [Name]);
- end
- else Self.Value := 0;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBCalcEdit.EditingChange(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- inherited ReadOnly := not FDataLink.Editing;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBCalcEdit.UpdateFieldData(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- inherited UpdateData;
- if (Value = 0) and ZeroEmpty then FDataLink.Field.Clear
- else if FDataLink.Field.DataType in [ftSmallint, ftInteger, ftWord] then
- FDataLink.Field.AsInteger := Self.AsInteger
- else if FDataLink.Field.DataType = ftBoolean then
- FDataLink.Field.AsBoolean := Boolean(Self.AsInteger)
- else FDataLink.Field.AsFloat := Self.Value;
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure TRxDBCalcEdit.CMGetDataLink(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- Message.Result := Integer(FDataLink);
- end;
- procedure TRxDBCalcEdit.AcceptValue(const Value: Variant);
- begin
- if VarIsNull(Value) or VarIsEmpty(Value) then FDataLink.Field.Clear
- else FDataLink.Field.Value := Value;
- DoChange;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure TRxDBCalcEdit.WMPaste(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- FDataLink.Edit;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBCalcEdit.WMCut(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- FDataLink.Edit;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBCalcEdit.CMEnter(var Message: TCMEnter);
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TRxDBCalcEdit.CMExit(var Message: TCMExit);
- begin
- try
- CheckRange;
- FDataLink.UpdateRecord;
- except
- SelectAll;
- if CanFocus then SetFocus;
- raise;
- end;
- inherited;
- end;
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- function TRxDBCalcEdit.UseRightToLeftAlignment: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := DBUseRightToLeftAlignment(Self, Field);
- end;
- function TRxDBCalcEdit.ExecuteAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := inherited ExecuteAction(Action) or (FDataLink <> nil) and
- FDataLink.ExecuteAction(Action);
- end;
- function TRxDBCalcEdit.UpdateAction(Action: TBasicAction): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := inherited UpdateAction(Action) or (FDataLink <> nil) and
- FDataLink.UpdateAction(Action);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- { TStatusDataLink }
- type
- TStatusDataLink = class(TDataLink)
- private
- FLabel: TDBStatusLabel;
- protected
- procedure ActiveChanged; override;
- procedure EditingChanged; override;
- procedure DataSetChanged; override;
- procedure DataSetScrolled(Distance: Integer); override;
- procedure LayoutChanged; override;
- public
- constructor Create(ALabel: TDBStatusLabel);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- constructor TStatusDataLink.Create(ALabel: TDBStatusLabel);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FLabel := ALabel;
- end;
- destructor TStatusDataLink.Destroy;
- begin
- FLabel := nil;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TStatusDataLink.ActiveChanged;
- begin
- DataSetChanged;
- end;
- procedure TStatusDataLink.DataSetScrolled(Distance: Integer);
- begin
- if (FLabel <> nil) and (FLabel.Style = lsRecordNo) then
- FLabel.UpdateStatus;
- end;
- procedure TStatusDataLink.EditingChanged;
- begin
- if (FLabel <> nil) and (FLabel.Style <> lsRecordSize) then
- FLabel.UpdateStatus;
- end;
- procedure TStatusDataLink.DataSetChanged;
- begin
- if (FLabel <> nil) then FLabel.UpdateData;
- end;
- procedure TStatusDataLink.LayoutChanged;
- begin
- if (FLabel <> nil) and (FLabel.Style <> lsRecordSize) then
- DataSetChanged; { ??? }
- end;
- { TDBStatusLabel }
- const
- GlyphSpacing = 2;
- GlyphColumns = 7;
- constructor TDBStatusLabel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- ShadowSize := 0;
- Layout := tlCenter;
- ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csSetCaption {$IFDEF WIN32},
- csReplicatable {$ENDIF}];
- FRecordCount := -1;
- FRecordNo := -1;
- ShowAccelChar := False;
- FDataSetName := EmptyStr;
- FDataLink := TStatusDataLink.Create(Self);
- FStyle := lsState;
- GlyphAlign := glGlyphLeft;
- FEditColor := clRed;
- FCaptions := TStringList.Create;
- TStringList(FCaptions).OnChange := CaptionsChanged;
- FGlyph := TBitmap.Create;
- FGlyph.Handle := LoadBitmap(HInstance, 'DS_STATES');
- Caption := '';
- end;
- destructor TDBStatusLabel.Destroy;
- begin
- FDataLink.Free;
- FDataLink := nil;
- //DisposeStr(FDataSetName);
- TStringList(FCaptions).OnChange := nil;
- FCaptions.Free;
- FCaptions := nil;
- FCell.Free;
- FCell := nil;
- FGlyph.Free;
- FGlyph := nil;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TDBStatusLabel.Loaded;
- begin
- inherited Loaded;
- UpdateData;
- end;
- function TDBStatusLabel.GetDefaultFontColor: TColor;
- begin
- if (FStyle = lsState) and (FDatalink <> nil) and
- (GetDatasetState in [dsEdit, dsInsert]) then
- Result := FEditColor
- else Result := inherited GetDefaultFontColor;
- end;
- function TDBStatusLabel.GetLabelCaption: string;
- begin
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) and ((FStyle = lsState) or
- (FDatalink = nil) or not FDatalink.Active) then
- Result := Format('(%s)', [Name])
- else if ((FDatalink = nil) or (DataSource = nil)) then
- Result := ''
- else begin
- case FStyle of
- lsState:
- if FShowOptions in [doCaption, doBoth] then begin
- if DataSetName = '' then Result := GetCaption(DataSource.State)
- else Result := Format('%s: %s', [DataSetName, GetCaption(DataSource.State)]);
- end
- else { doGlyph } Result := '';
- lsRecordNo:
- if FDataLink.Active then begin
- if FRecordNo >= 0 then begin
- if FRecordCount >= 0 then
- Result := Format('%d:%d', [FRecordNo, FRecordCount])
- else Result := IntToStr(FRecordNo);
- end
- else begin
- if FRecordCount >= 0 then
- Result := Format('( %d )', [FRecordCount])
- else Result := '';
- end;
- end
- else Result := '';
- lsRecordSize:
- if FDatalink.Active then
- Result := IntToStr(FDatalink.DataSet.RecordSize)
- else Result := '';
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TDBStatusLabel.GetDatasetState: TDataSetState;
- begin
- if DataSource <> nil then
- Result := DataSource.State
- else Result := dsInactive;
- end;
- procedure TDBStatusLabel.SetName(const Value: TComponentName);
- begin
- inherited SetName(Value);
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Invalidate;
- end;
- procedure TDBStatusLabel.SetCaptions(Value: TStrings);
- begin
- FCaptions.Assign(Value);
- end;
- function TDBStatusLabel.GetStatusKind(State: TDataSetState): TDBStatusKind;
- begin
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- if not (State in [Low(TDBStatusKind)..High(TDBStatusKind)]) then begin
- case State of
- dsFilter: Result := dsSetKey;
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- dsNewValue, dsOldValue, dsCurValue: Result := dsEdit;
- {$ELSE}
- dsUpdateNew, dsUpdateOld: Result := dsEdit;
- {$ENDIF}
- else Result := TDBStatusKind(State);
- end;
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF WIN32}
- Result := TDBStatusKind(State);
- end;
- function TDBStatusLabel.GetCaption(State: TDataSetState): string;
- const
- StrIds: array[TDBStatusKind] of Word = (SInactiveData, SBrowseData,
- SEditData, SInsertData, SSetKeyData, SCalcFieldsData);
- var
- Kind: TDBStatusKind;
- begin
- Kind := GetStatusKind(State);
- if (FCaptions <> nil) and (Ord(Kind) < FCaptions.Count) and
- (FCaptions[Ord(Kind)] <> '') then Result := FCaptions[Ord(Kind)]
- else Result := LoadStr(StrIds[Kind]);
- end;
- procedure TDBStatusLabel.Paint;
- var
- GlyphOrigin: TPoint;
- begin
- inherited Paint;
- if (FStyle = lsState) and (FShowOptions in [doGlyph, doBoth]) and
- (FCell <> nil) then
- begin
- if GlyphAlign = glGlyphLeft then
- GlyphOrigin.X := GlyphSpacing
- else {glGlyphRight}
- GlyphOrigin.X := Left + ClientWidth - RightMargin + GlyphSpacing;
- case Layout of
- tlTop: GlyphOrigin.Y := 0;
- tlCenter: GlyphOrigin.Y := (ClientHeight - FCell.Height) div 2;
- else { tlBottom } GlyphOrigin.Y := ClientHeight - FCell.Height;
- end;
- DrawBitmapTransparent(Canvas, GlyphOrigin.X, GlyphOrigin.Y,
- FCell, FGlyph.TransparentColor);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TDBStatusLabel.CaptionsChanged(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- TStringList(FCaptions).OnChange := nil;
- try
- while (Pred(FCaptions.Count) > Ord(High(TDBStatusKind))) do
- FCaptions.Delete(FCaptions.Count - 1);
- finally
- TStringList(FCaptions).OnChange := CaptionsChanged;
- end;
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Invalidate;
- end;
- procedure TDBStatusLabel.UpdateData;
- function IsSequenced: Boolean;
- begin
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- Result := FDatalink.DataSet.IsSequenced;
- {$ELSE}
- Result := not ((FDatalink.DataSet is TDBDataSet) and
- TDBDataSet(FDatalink.DataSet).Database.IsSQLBased);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- begin
- FRecordCount := -1;
- if (FStyle = lsRecordNo) and FDataLink.Active and
- (DataSource.State in [dsBrowse, dsEdit]) then
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnGetRecordCount) then
- FOnGetRecordCount(Self, FDataLink.DataSet, FRecordCount)
- else if (FCalcCount or IsSequenced) then
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- FRecordCount := FDataLink.DataSet.RecordCount;
- {$ELSE}
- FRecordCount := DataSetRecordCount(FDataLink.DataSet)
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- UpdateStatus;
- end;
- procedure TDBStatusLabel.UpdateStatus;
- begin
- if DataSource <> nil then begin
- case FStyle of
- lsState:
- if FShowOptions in [doGlyph, doBoth] then begin
- if GlyphAlign = glGlyphLeft then begin
- RightMargin := 0;
- LeftMargin := (FGlyph.Width div GlyphColumns) + GlyphSpacing * 2;
- end
- else {glGlyphRight} begin
- LeftMargin := 0;
- RightMargin := (FGlyph.Width div GlyphColumns) + GlyphSpacing * 2;
- end;
- if FCell = nil then FCell := TBitmap.Create;
- AssignBitmapCell(FGlyph, FCell, GlyphColumns, 1,
- Ord(GetStatusKind(DataSource.State)));
- end
- else { doCaption } begin
- FCell.Free;
- FCell := nil;
- LeftMargin := 0;
- RightMargin := 0;
- end;
- lsRecordNo:
- begin
- FCell.Free;
- FCell := nil;
- LeftMargin := 0;
- RightMargin := 0;
- FRecordNo := -1;
- if FDataLink.Active then begin
- if Assigned(FOnGetRecNo) then
- FOnGetRecNo(Self, FDataLink.DataSet, FRecordNo) else
- try
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- with FDatalink.DataSet do
- if not IsEmpty then FRecordNo := RecNo;
- {$ELSE}
- FRecordNo := DataSetRecNo(FDatalink.DataSet);
- {$ENDIF}
- except
- end;
- end;
- end;
- lsRecordSize:
- begin
- FCell.Free;
- FCell := nil;
- LeftMargin := 0;
- RightMargin := 0;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- FCell.Free;
- FCell := nil;
- end;
- AdjustBounds;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- procedure TDBStatusLabel.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation);
- begin
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (FDataLink <> nil) and
- (AComponent = DataSource) then DataSource := nil;
- end;
- function TDBStatusLabel.GetDataSetName: string;
- begin
- Result := FDataSetName;
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin
- if Assigned(FOnGetDataName) then Result := FOnGetDataName(Self)
- else if (Result = '') and (DataSource <> nil) and
- (DataSource.DataSet <> nil) then Result := DataSource.DataSet.Name;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TDBStatusLabel.SetDataSetName(Value: string);
- begin
- FDataSetName := Value;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- function TDBStatusLabel.GetDataSource: TDataSource;
- begin
- Result := FDataLink.DataSource;
- end;
- procedure TDBStatusLabel.SetDataSource(Value: TDataSource);
- begin
- {$IFDEF RX_D4}
- if not (FDataLink.DataSourceFixed and (csLoading in ComponentState)) then
- {$ENDIF}
- FDataLink.DataSource := Value;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- if Value <> nil then Value.FreeNotification(Self);
- {$ENDIF}
- if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then UpdateData;
- end;
- procedure TDBStatusLabel.SetEditColor(Value: TColor);
- begin
- if FEditColor <> Value then begin
- FEditColor := Value;
- if Style = lsState then Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TDBStatusLabel.SetGlyphAlign(Value: TGlyphAlign);
- begin
- if FGlyphAlign <> Value then begin
- FGlyphAlign := Value;
- UpdateStatus;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TDBStatusLabel.SetShowOptions(Value: TDBLabelOptions);
- begin
- if FShowOptions <> Value then begin
- FShowOptions := Value;
- UpdateStatus;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TDBStatusLabel.SetCalcCount(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if FCalcCount <> Value then begin
- FCalcCount := Value;
- if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then UpdateData;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TDBStatusLabel.SetStyle(Value: TDBLabelStyle);
- begin
- if FStyle <> Value then begin
- FStyle := Value;
- if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then UpdateData;
- end;
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- initialization
- finalization
- DestroyLocals;
- {$ELSE}
- initialization
- AddExitProc(DestroyLocals);
- {$ENDIF}
- end.